Each field page details whether or not the data must be collected for learners and learning aims funded by a combination of funding models, and/or other characteristics. For example:
Collection requirements
- 16-19 (excluding Apprenticeships) (FundModel 25)
- Tailored Learning (FundModel 11)
- Non-funded (FundModel 99)
- Apprenticeship Standards (ProgType 25)
The funding agency recorded in the Source of funding field in the Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring entity does not affect the collection requirements. If a learner has learning aims funded using either ‘16-19 (excluding Apprenticeships)’ or ‘Other 16-19’ funding models and the source of funding is the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) - Adult, then the ‘16-19 (excluding Apprenticeships)’ or ‘Other 16-19’ funded collection requirements apply.
For some fields that are collected for apprenticeships, such as the Apprenticeship standard code, the requirements relate to the type of apprenticeship and are not specific to any particular funding model.
For example, the Apprenticeship standard code field is required for all apprenticeship aims. This includes aims on Funding models 36 and 99.
Data that is not required for collection
Data that is not required for collection must not be included in the ILR files returned. This is enforced where possible through the validation rules for the following reasons:
- to collect data there must be a mandate and approved to do so via the ILR approval process
- data protection legislation says data should be collected only where there is a purpose in doing so.
- the presence of additional data that is not required can make the validation requirements more complicated.
- only requested data is subject to reliable and rigorous data quality checks
- it is unhelpful to data users and analysts to have data included that is not required.
Learning Delivery data that is not required is validated. Learner data fields that are not required are not validated as the learner may receive funding through more than one funding model which have differing collection requirements.
Data types and null values
The required data type for each field is detailed on the field specification. All code lists are numeric fields and should be returned without leading zeros (apart from the Learning Delivery Monitoring codes in the Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring (FAM) entity which are stored as a string and so should retain any leading zeros). The schema defines the different data types and rules that these must meet.
The different data types that are used within the ILR Specification are listed in the table below:
xs:int |
A signed 32-bit number |
xs:long |
A signed 64-bit number |
xs:string |
A string; typically Unicode |
xs:decimal |
A decimal number that includes a fractional part but is not specified using an exponent; for example, 123.45 |
xs:dateTime, xs:date |
Date and time related types |
RestrictedString |
Any of the following characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, Space, Full stop, Comma, Semi-colon, Colon, ~!”@#$%&’()\/*+-<=>?_[]^£€ |
Dates are formatted according to W3C and UK government schema standards (YYYY-MM-DD). Details of standard XML schema data types (date, decimal, int, long, string) are found within the W3C schema standards.
Where data is not collected or is not required, the XML element must not be returned. Empty tags such as <NINumber></NINumber> or </NINumber> must not be included.