Individualised Learner Record (ILR) technical documents, guidance and requirements
Here you'll find documents that define the ILR data that publicly funded providers must collect and return.
Select Date
2024 to 2025
ILR Specification
Contains the technical specification for all data fields, entities and collection requirements for the Individual Learner Record.
ILR Privacy Notice
Information for learners about the ILR and how their personal information is used.
Validation Rules
Contains the beta online ILR validation rules with additional guidance and features, For a full list of the validation rules for 24 to 25 please refer to the spreadsheet as online validation rules will be released gradually.
Data collection timetable
Information on when to return your data to the ESFA, this highlights the submission deadlines and associated reference data.
Migration specification
How to migrate data between years
Appendices and schema
The Schema and sample files for the ILR specification, this also includes the 24 to 25 ILR validation rule spreadsheet.
2023 to 2024
ILR Specification
Provider Support Manual
ILR Privacy Notice
Appendices, validation rules and schema
Provider Support Manual
Understanding the ILR
This section includes Individualised Learner Record (ILR) beginners guidance and examples for completing the ILR for different types of learning provision and in different scenarios, in some cases worked examples relating to funding are provided.
Making changes and correcting errors
This section covers correcting data entry errors found in ILR data returns. It contains various scenarios of incorrect data and the processes for correcting these errors. The section is intended for experienced PSM users and covers problems relating to all funding types and all aspects of learner records in ILR data.
Guidance for funding streams
This section covers funding stream specific guidance for Apprenticeships, Skills Bootcamps, 16-19 study programmes, Skills Bootcamps, T levels, A and AS Levels, Higher Education, Free Courses for Jobs, Community Learning, Pilots and Multiply
Further information and related links
This section covers further sources of information and guidance available.
View all categories in the Provider Support Manual .
Latest updates
Help and Support
ILR: check that data is accurate - funding reports, known issues and FIS guidance
Delivering the ILR Specification
ILR: related documentation (includes links to EAS guidance)
COVID-19 exceptional guidance for providers submitting HE data
ESFA: 16 to 19 funding: Maths and English condition of funding
Learning aim class codes
Tools and services
Customer Service: help and support - online contact form
Get help with ESFA services - ESFA community