Validation rules 2024 - 2025
- Last updated:
28 October 2024
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ASF funding rules, Postcode validation, Learner, Field Values, Learning Delivery, Employment status, Apprenticeships, Tailored learning, Skills bootcamps, File level, etc
Browse by funding stream
Adult skills fund, Apprenticeships, Tailored Learning, Advanced Learner Loans, Skills Bootcamps, All Provision, Adult education budget, Non funded, Community learning, etc
Purpose of the rules
To provide a technical specification of the ILR validation rules that will enable the intended audience to understand in detail the rules and requirements that must be met for ILR data returns
Intended audience
This is a technical document aimed at those responsible for making data returns; data specification implementation; and MI system design (including MI managers, commercial software suppliers and own software writers)
The previous rule descriptions, error conditions and rule exclusions are included for information. However they have not been updated with any new changes and do not accurately reflect the actual validation rules currently in operation.