Special Fee Indicator: Field
Version 1 View changes
Records any special or non-standard fees, in line with the student support regulations.
Reason Required
Required by the OfS for determining funding populations. It may further be used to identify and monitor fee breaches.
Schema Definitions
- XML Entity Name
- Field Length
- 1
- Data type
- xs:int
- Minimum occurrences
- 1
- Maximum occurrences
- 1
- Part of
- LearningDeliveryHE
Collection Requirements
- Collected for all aims
Attribute Codes
Code | Title |
0 | Standard/Prescribed fee |
1 | Sandwich placement |
2 | Language year abroad and not full-year outgoing ERASMUS+/Turing Scheme |
3 | Full-year outgoing ERASMUS+/Turing Scheme |
4 | Final year of full-time course lasting less than 15 weeks |
5 | Final year of a full-time course lasting more than 14 weeks but less than 24 weeks |
9 | Other fee |
Students following the same pattern of study on the same course will have the same SPECFEE.
Providers should not adjust this field to account for individual waived fees.
Code 0 'Standard/Prescribed fee' refers to the standard variable fee charged by the provider. This code must be used for students subject to the regulated full fee. Code 0 should be used for students who are subject to regulated fees. Students where the provider has complete discretion over the fee charged should be coded 09 'Other fee'.
For higher apprenticeship students, SPECFEE will not be used, therefore it can be returned in a way which reduces burden for your provider.
The only postgraduate students to be recorded as subject to regulated fees (code 0) are those:
On a full-time, or part-time PGCE course, or other postgraduate initial teacher training course.
On a full-time course in preparation for a professional examination at postgraduate level, for which a first degree is not a normal requirement for entry. This applies to students on a course leading successively to Parts 1 and 2 of the Royal Institute of British Architects examination, for whom undergraduate-level fees are payable. Such students should be recorded as subject to regulated full fees
Code 1 should be returned for sandwich placements, please see Section 13 of the Provider support manual for the definition of a sandwich year.
Code 2 should be returned for language years abroad that are delivered in conjunction with an overseas provider but are not part of the ERASMUS+/Turing Scheme and meet the following criteria: (i) during which any periods of full-time study at the provider in the United Kingdom are in aggregate less than 10 weeks; or (ii) if in respect of that academic year and any previous academic years of the course the aggregate of any one or more periods of attendance which are not periods of full-time study at the provider in the United Kingdom (disregarding intervening vacations) exceeds 30 weeks.