ILR specification: 2024 to 2025

Level Applicable to Funding Council HESES: Field


An indicator of the level of the learning aim, expressed in terms of the OfS HESES definitions.

Reason Required

Required by the OfS for use in the calculation and monitoring of its funding to providers, including formula-based recurrent grant funding, student premiums, and capital funding allocations.

Schema Definitions

XML Entity Name
Field Length
Data type
Minimum occurrences
Maximum occurrences

Collection Requirements

  • Aim Types 3,4 and 5

Attribute Codes

Code Title
10 Undergraduate
11 Long undergraduate
20 Postgraduate taught
21 Long postgraduate taught
30 Postgraduate research
31 Long postgraduate research
99 Not in HESES population


  • Coding should be consistent with the allocation of the learner in the OfS HESES return.

  • For full-time learners the year of engagement should be classified as 'long' if students are normally required to attend for 45 weeks or more within that year of engagement. When determining length, students are deemed to be attending the provider if they are actively pursuing full-time studies towards the qualification. Years of engagement that are not long are referred to as standard length.

  • For part-time learners the distinction will depend on the length of each year for an equivalent full-time course. The number of weeks attended within the year of engagement for part-time students is irrelevant in determining whether the year of engagement is long.

  • Code 99, 'Not in the HESES population', can be used if the reporting period does not contain, in part or in whole, a year of engagement which has previously, is, or will be returned to HESES. However, use of code 99 is optional and providers can also use the other codes for such records.

  • For full guidance about this field, please refer to the latest HESES guidance: