Learning Aim Reference: Field
The learning aim reference code for the learning being undertaken.
Reason Required
To calculate funding and to monitor learning aims in the sector.
Schema Definitions
- XML Entity Name
- LearnAimRef
- Field Length
- 8
- Data type
- RestrictedString
- Minimum occurrences
- 1
- Maximum occurrences
- 1
- Part of
- LearningDelivery
Collection Requirements
- Collected for all aims
Valid Entries
A valid entry from the LARS database.
The LARS database contains learning aim reference codes for regulated learning aims that are offered in the sector. This includes both funded and non-funded learning aims.
The learning aim reference recorded in this field must be finalised and confirmed as correct within the funding qualifying start period. ESOL learning aims are not subject to finalisation during this time period but providers should endeavour to agree as soon as possible after a learner starts, what level of ESOL qualification the learner is working towards. No changes are permitted to the data in this field after this time period except to correct data entered in error.
Where the provider is delivering non-regulated provision, they should use one of the learning aim references available in the LARS database for non-regulated provision. The different classes of codes are detailed in the Learning Aim Class Codes document.
If the learning aim is not listed in the LARS database then please notify Customer Service.