ILR specification: 2024 to 2025

Learner HE Financial Support: Entity


Version 3 View changes


This entity collects data about the financial support received by students.

Reason Required

Required by Office for Students (OfS) for access and participation monitoring.

Schema Definitions

XML Entity Name
Minimum Occurrences
Maximum Occurrences

Collection Requirements

  • Collected for all learners
XML Elements Schema mandation

Data Model

ERD LearnerHEFinancialSupport


  • The Learner HE Financial Support entity is completed annually. This means that at the start of each academic year, any records relating to the previous academic year are not returned.

  • There are four financial types which can be collected. Each type can only be recorded once but the corresponding financial amounts are updated during the year (see the Provider Support Manual for examples).

  • Each Financial support type should only be recorded once. Where the student is in receipt of multiple forms of a single Financial support type (for example, two forms of a cash support) these amounts should be summed and recorded under a single occurrence of the appropriate Financial support type.

  • If a particular Financial support type is not received by the student, a Financial support type and associated Financial support amount need not be recorded, for example, there is no need to record a null or zero Financial support amount for Financial support types the student is not in receipt of.

  • For full guidance please refer to the HESA specification.

When to collect financial support data from learners:

  • To reduce burden on providers, support given to students included in the coverage of the Financial Support entity which is £50 or less per item within each category must not be included. Amounts of more than £50 per item should be included.
    The following are included:

    • bursaries and scholarships awarded to assist the student with maintenance costs rather than tuition fees

    • where awards are offered as bursaries/scholarships or discounted accommodation

    • and awards paid through charitable funds secured by providers.

  • The following are excluded:

    • Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA),

    • means tested hardship funds from the Office for Students Student Opportunity allocation

    • any fee waivers/free foundation year offered to the students

    • any other support to reduce student fees taking into account NETFEE

    • any support received as part of the course fee.