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Name ULN_06
Version 1
Status Changed
Category Learner
Severity Warning
Error message

This Unique learner number should not be used


To ensure that, for funded aims, the learners Unique learner number (ULN) is only 999999999 for a short period of time


Ensure that, where the file preparation date is on or after 1 January of the current teaching year, and the aim is a funded aim and and is more than 5 days long, and the aim start is more than 60 days before the file preparation date, the Unique learner number (ULN) should not be 999999999


If the file preparation date is on or after 1 January of the current teaching year, and the aim is a funded aim and and is more than 5 days long, and the aim start is more than 60 days before the file preparation date, the Unique learner number (ULN) should not be 999999999

Detailed error condition
Detailed description

If the file preparation date is on or after 1 January of the current teaching year (file preparation date >= 1 January of the current teaching year), and is a funded aim ( LearningDelivery.FundModel = 25, 82, 35, 37, 38, 36, 81 or (99 and LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMType = ADL and LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMCode = 1)), and the planned or actual duration on or greater than 5 days ( LearningDelivery.LearnPlanEndDate - LearningDelivery.LearnStartDate >= 5 or LearningDelivery.LearnActEndDate - LearningDelivery.LearnStartDate >= 5), and the Learning start date on or less than 60 days before the file preparation date file preparation date - LearningDelivery.LearnStartDate <= 60 days) the Unique learner number (ULN) should not be 9999999999

(error where Learner.ULN = 9999999999)


This rule is not triggered on OLASS learning aims ( LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMType = LDM and LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMCode = 034), or for levy funded apprenticeships (LearnDelFAMType = ACT and LearnDelFAMCode = 1)

Flow chart ULN 06_Flowchart

Open flow chart in a new window

Flow chart details

Flowchart for 'ULN_06' rule

1. Is the learner record OLASS or a levy funded apprenticeship (ACT = 1)?

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'No' then:

2. Is the file preparation date after 1st January of the current year?

  • If 'No' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'Yes' then:

3. Is the learning aim funded?

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'No' then:

4. Is the planned or actual duration of the aim five or more days?

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'No' then:

5. Is the Learning start date on or less than 60 days before the file preparation date?

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is triggered

  • If 'No' then the rule is not triggered

Change summary

Version 3

Removal of FM 70 from the rule

Version 1

Addition of FM 37, 38 (highlighted)

Status summary

Current SLD severity


Current FIS severity


Is this rule in FIS?


Field values








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