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Name ULN_02
Version 1
Status Changed
Category Learner
Severity Warning
Error message

This Unique learner number should not be used


To ensure that the Unique learner number is a valid ULN


For funding model 99, 10 or 11, please ensure that the Unique learner number is valid through LRS and is not the default ULN value (9999999999)


If the learning aim is non-funded, community learning funded or Tailored Learning Funded (FM = 99, 10, 11), the ULN should not be the default value

Detailed error condition
Detailed description

If the learning aim is non-funded, community learning funded or Tailored Learning Funded ( LearningDelivery.FundModel = 99, 10, 11 ), the ULN should not be the default value

(error where Learner.ULN = 9999999999)


This rule is not triggered for Office for Students (OfS) funded aims ( LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMType = SOF and LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMCode = 1)

Flow chart ULN_02 Flowchart

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Flow chart details

Flowchart for 'ULN_02' rule

1. Is the aim Office for Students funded (SoF = 1)?

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'No' then:

2. Is the aim non-funded, community learning funded or Tailored Learning Funded?

  • If 'No' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'Yes' then:

3. Is the learner ULN the default value (9999999999)?

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is triggered

  • If 'No' then the rule is not triggered

Change summary

Version 1

Addition of Tailored learning references (highlighted)

Status summary

Current SLD severity


Current FIS severity


Is this rule in FIS?


Field values





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