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Name UKPRN_09
Version 2
Status Active
Category Learner
Severity Error
Error message

There is no apprenticeship funding relationship for this UKPRN


To ensure that there is a live contract for delivery of apprenticeships provision associated with the file upload


Please ensure that, to avoid this rule is triggering, you have an active and signed contract for apprenticeships in your MyESF service. This rule may also trigger an error where the contract is signed and a file uploaded on the same day; in this case please resubmit your file upload on the following day.


If the learning aim is part of an apprenticeship (DD07 = Y), there must be an active contract relationship in FCT, for this UKPRN, to fund this provision

Detailed error condition
Detailed description

If the learning aim is a apprenticeship (DD07 = Y), there must be a funding relationship in FCT for this UKPRN ( LearningProvider.UKPRN = ContractAllocation.DeliveryUKPRN)

(error where there is no funding relationship in FCT ContractAllocation.FundingStreamPeriodCode = APPS2425 )


This rule is not triggered on OLASS learning aims ( LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMType = LDM and LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMCode = 034), or apprenticeship levy funded aims ( LearningDelivery.FundModel = 36), or when LearningDelivery.LearnActEndDat e is not null and in the previous teaching year, or
the aim is a Non-apprenticeship Sporting Excellence Award ( LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMType = LDM and LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMCode = 353), or
or Non-apprenticeship Sea Fishing ( LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMType = LDM and LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMCode = 355), or
a non funded learning aim ( LearningDelivery.FundModel = 99

Flow chart UKPRN_09 Flowchart

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Flow chart details

Flowchart for 'UKPRN_09' rule

1. Is the learner OLASS, Levy funded apprenticeship, Non-apprenticeship Sporting Excellence Award, or completed in a previous year?

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'No' then:

2. Is the learner in receipt of Advanced learner loan bursary?

  • If 'No' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'Yes' then:

3. Is there a funding relationship in FCT for the UKPRN?

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'No' then the rule is triggered

Change summary

Version 2

Amendment to ContractAllocation.FundingStreamPeriodCode (highlighted)

Version 1

The Rule has been rolled over from the Previous year

Status summary

Current SLD severity


Is this rule in FIS?


Field values



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