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Name UKPRN_03
Version 1
Status Active
Category Learner
Severity Error
Error message

The UKPRN is not the same as recorded in the Header


To ensure that the UKPRN in the filename and XML file Header are the same


Please ensure that the UKPRN in the filename is the same as the XML file Header. If your file is produced through MIS application, this should happen automatically when you export a file from the application


The UKPRN in the filename must be the same as the XML file Header

Detailed error condition
Detailed description

The UKPRN must be the same as the Header

(error where LearningProvider.UKPRN <> UKPRN in Header)

Flow chart UKPRN-03 Flowchart

Open flow chart in a new window

Flow chart details

Flowchart for 'UKPRN_03' rule

1. Is there a UKPRN in the filename that matches the file header UKPRN?

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'No' then the rule is triggered

Change summary

Version 1

The Rule has been rolled over from the Previous year

Status summary

Current SLD severity


Is this rule in FIS?


Field values


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