ILR specification: 2022 to 2023

Learning Delivery: Entity


Version 1 View changes


This entity collects details of the learning aims that a learner is studying.

Reason Required

Funding, monitoring and reporting of individual learning activities being undertaken by a learner.

Schema Definitions

XML Entity Name
Minimum Occurrences
Maximum Occurrences

Collection Requirements

  • Collected for all learners
XML Elements Schema mandation
LearnAimRef Y
AimType Y
AimSeqNumber Y
LearnStartDate Y
OrigLearnStartDate N
LearnPlanEndDate Y
FundModel Y
PHours N
OTJActHours N
ProgType N
FworkCode N
PwayCode N
StdCode N
PartnerUKPRN N
DelLocPostCode Y
LSDPostcode N
AddHours N
PriorLearnFundAdj N
OtherFundAdj N
ConRefNumber N
EmpOutcome N
CompStatus Y
LearnActEndDate N
WithdrawReason N
Outcome N
AchDate N
OutGrade N
SWSupAimId N
Child Entities Schema mandation
LearningDeliveryFAM N
LearningDeliveryWorkPlacement N
AppFinRecord N
ProviderSpecDeliveryMonitoring N
LearningDeliveryHE N


  • All fields must be returned in the above order in the XML file.

  • Refer to individual field pages for collection details of when data is required.