Pilots and other Funding Streams
Adult T levels Pilot
From September 2022 the T level for adults pilot will be available in the ILR, learners who are 19+ including those who are in part-time work or have caring responsibilities are eligible for this provision. Further guidance is available in the AEB funding rules
Recording Adult T Level pilots in the ILR
The Adult T Level pilot is recorded in the ILR as funding model 81, source of funding (SOF) 105 with the LDM code 384 recorded against the learning aim.
Unlike 16-19 T levels the Adult pilot will not include the programme type field in the ILR and the aims must be recorded as aim type 4 indicating they are not part of a programme.
The learning aims associated with the adult T levels pilot can be found using the LARS database on the Find a learning aim website.
Learner/learning support cannot be recorded on the ILR for adult T Level learners and further information regarding this is available in the Adult T level guidance.
The Multiply programme is designed to provide funding to learners up to level 2 and will allow learners to be identified as multiply in the ILR. Further guidance is available on the multiply homepage
Recording Multiply in the ILR
The Multiply programme will be recorded in the ILR as funding model 99 source of funding (SOF) 998, with the LDM code 385 recorded against the learning aim.
There are a number of new Multiply-specific non-regulated learning aims that are available to be used. These can be identified on the LARS database and found on Find A Learning Aim using Category Code 63 Multiply – Improving Adult Numeracy Skills.
Learners participating in regulated numeracy courses through Multiply should be recorded on the existing regulated learning aims
Recording the Free Courses for Jobs Offer in the ILR
All aims that are part of the Free Courses for Jobs offer are recorded in the ILR with Funding model 38. Also record the following against each aim:
LDM code 378 and FFI code 1 to claim for funding for 19 to 23 year olds learners, who have not achieved a full level 3 and earn above the earnings threshold.
LDM code 378, LDM code 391 and FFI 1 to claim for funding when recording learners who meet the earnings threshold criteria or are unemployed.
Record the employment status of learners accessing the offer in the ILR
Adult skills fund: funding rules 2024 to 2025 sets outs the eligibility criteria.
The aims that were eligible for FCFJ funding were previously marked with:
category code 45: National Skills Fund Level 3 Free Courses for Jobs rate 1
category code 46: National Skills Fund Level 3 Free Courses for Jobs rate 2
category code 48: National Skills Fund Level 3 Free Courses for Jobs only
category code 49: National Skills Fund Level 3 Free Courses for Jobs – short qualification
The aims are now within the FCFJ_Adult_Skills Validity and can be found on find a learning aim or the Learning Aim Reference Service (LARS) .
Category code 56 Free Courses for Jobs MCA and GLA only flexible delivery qualifications still exists. The aims in this category are to be used by Combined Authorities only. The Learning Start Date of the aims recorded in the ILR do need to be within the EffectiveFrom and EffectiveTo dates of category code 56.
Recording Skills Bootcamps for Project S Pilot
All learning aims that are part of the Skills Bootcamps pilot for the funding simplification project (Project S) are recorded in the ILR using funding model 81 and LDM 396.
Pr oviders must not return the programme type and the contract reference number fields.
The learning aims can be found on find a learning aim or the Learning Aim Reference Service .