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Provider support manual:

Recording changes to a learner’s aims

Recording changes to a learner’s programme or learning aim

All changes to learning objectives and aims must be recorded in the learner file (previously called ‘Learning Agreement’).

Changes to learning aims within the funding qualifying period

For Adult funded learners (Funding model 35 and 81), the funding qualifying period is defined in the Adult education budget funding rules and is based on the number of days in learning for each learning aim.

For 16-19 funded learners (Funding model 25 and 82), the qualifying period to be eligible for funding each year is defined in the 16 to19 rates and formula guide, and is based upon the number of weeks in learning at Learner level.

If the learner changes their learning aim during the funding qualifying period, then the learning aim details can be amended on the original ILR record.

Any changes to learning aims after the funding qualifying period must be recorded as a withdrawal or transfer.

Changes to the Learning start and end dates

These fields inform the funding received. You must not make any changes to the start or planned end dates after the funding qualifying period, except to correct errors.

If the learner is transferring to a new learning aim or programme, then the existing programme aim or learning aim must be closed and a new programme and/or learning aim(s) created.

You must not update the Learning planned end date once it has been entered, even if the learner continues on the learning aim beyond that date. If a learner continues their learning beyond the planned end date this should be reflected in the Learning actual end date field; the Learning planned end date must remain unchanged.

The Learning start date and Learning planned end date must remain the same between teaching years as they are used in the calculation of funding and achievement rates.

Recording learner absence or withdrawal

You must determine the intent of learners who are absent from learning, whether the learner expects to return to learning, and the reason for the absence. You are expected to have robust absence monitoring and an absence and withdrawal policy, which you implement to ensure that the progress of all learners is monitored.

A learner must be considered to have withdrawn from a programme of learning when they have:

  • Made known a decision to withdraw from the learning,

  • Exceeded the training provider’s absence and withdrawal policy, or

  • Been removed from learning by their training provider.

When a learner withdraws, the programme aim (where applicable) and any learning aims should be closed.

Recording a withdrawn learner who has no intention to return.

  • Completion status field must be code 3.

  • Learning actual end date is the date of last learning activity for the aim.

  • Use a relevant code for the Withdrawal reason field.

  • Outcome must be code 3.

  • Outcome grade data is not returned.

You must include learners in the ILR who have attended one episode of learning. If a learner withdraws within the funding qualifying period, the learner must still be included in the ILR.

If a learner withdraws without completing one episode of learning, for example without attending the first class, then they must not be included in the ILR.