Completing the Learning Delivery funding and monitoring
- Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring
- Restart indicator
- Recording learning aims
- Recording learning aims: completing the Learning Delivery entity
- Recording programme aims
- Searching for learning aims
- Recording non-regulated provision
- Recording proxy learning aims
- Subcontracted or partner UKPRN
- Additional delivery hours
- Planned hours
- Learning start date postcode
- Funding adjustment for prior learning and Other funding adjustment
- Learning planned end date
- Learning actual end date
- Achievement date
- Completion status
- Withdrawal reason
- Learning support funding
- Learning delivery monitoring
- Devolved area monitoring
- Date applies from / Date applies to
- Family English, Maths and Language
- Recording source of funding
- Learners who turn 19 during their learning aim or programme
- Learners aged 19 to 24 who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHC)
- Work Placement guidance
- Completing Higher Education (HE) data
- Recording Higher Education (HE) data
- Recording Learner HE Financial Support
Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring
Data collected in the Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring entity is used to identify additional attributes of the learning delivery to inform funding or for additional monitoring.
The Funding and Monitoring (FAM) type identifies the type of data to be collected and is recorded with an associated FAM code. Both a FAM type and FAM code are required for this data to be unique.
The Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring entity is only required if any of the FAM type characteristics apply to that learning aim, please refer to the information on individual FAM types in the ILR specification for collection requirements.
Restart indicator
This must be used to indicate that the learner has restarted a learning aim or apprenticeship programme. The Restart indicator should only be used if the learner is returning to a learning aim they have previously started on, for example after a break in learning or if the learner has transferred from studying the same learning aim with another provider.
This indicator must not be used where the learner has transferred to a different learning aim or programme with either the same or a different provider.
If the learner has restarted their entire programme, then the Restart indicator must be recorded against the programme aim and all the learning aims within the programme that are restarted. If only one of the aims within the programme has been restarted, then the Restart indicator is only recorded against that aim.
For learners who have returned from a break in learning, you should record the Original learning start date in addition to the Restart indicator.
Recording learning aims
Recording learning aims: completing the Learning Delivery entity
The Learning Delivery entity contains information such as learning start and planned end date, funding information, and learning outcome.
For certain types of programme (as listed in the Programme type field), a Learning Delivery record is returned to describe the programme being followed. This is known as the ‘programme aim’. The programme aim contains information about the overall learning programme being followed and comprises a subset of data fields required for a learning aim.
The following entities, linked to the Learning Delivery entity, contain data that may not be required for all learners:
Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring – additional data to support funding and learning delivery monitoring
Learning Delivery Work Placement – additional data about work placements/work experience learning aims
Apprenticeship Financial Record – additional data to support funding for apprenticeships
Learning Delivery Provider Specified Monitoring – additional provider data used as required and specified by the provider
Learning Delivery HE – HE data fields
Recording programme aims
A programme aims must be recorded for the following programmes:
Intermediate-level, Advanced-level, and Higher apprenticeship frameworks
Apprenticeship standards
T level programmes and T level Foundation Years
A programme aim is not recorded for a 16-19 funded study programme unless it is a traineeship or T level.
The Aim type field distinguishes programme aims from other learning aims. Programme aims must be recorded with Aim type code 1 and Learning aim reference code ZPROG001.
The programme aim records the start date, planned end date, actual end date, and completion and outcome data relating to the overall programme.
For apprenticeships, new starts on or after August 2019: the planned end date must only include the learning related to the learning aim and not include the end point assessment period.
Not all Learning Delivery fields need to be returned for a programme aim.
Searching for learning aims
The LARS database holds information about learning aims and their validity, as well as funding data where applicable. It is maintained by the ESFA. Updates to the database are made regularly.
The database can be downloaded from the Find a Learning Aim website .
Each learning aim on the database has a reference code that is used to record it in the Learning aim reference field on the ILR. The database holds all the learning aim specific information that you will need.
A form to request a new HE learning aim is available on GOV.UK. This form is not required to request the addition of a unit into the LARS database for non-funded learning; you should raise a call with the Service Desk and give them the Ofqual reference number of the unit required.
You can record a learning aim on the ILR once it has been accredited by the awarding organisation and approved for funding.
The validation rules will only allow aims with start dates after the funding validity start date and before the last date for new starts in the LARS database to be recorded.
You should ensure that the Learning start and Learning planned end dates for the learning aim are within the validity start and end dates in the LARS database.
Recording non-regulated provision
The Learning Aim Class Codes guidance details how non-regulated provision should be recorded.
Generic learning aim references are used to record non-regulated provision or in a small number of circumstances for regulated learning for which there is no other learning aim reference listed in the LARS database.
Please note:
You should only use non-regulated provision in areas already identified and agreed by the ESFA as detailed in the published funding documentation.
The LARS database holds details of all learning aims but their funding eligibility is determined by the funding policies of the ESFA.
The full set of generic learning aim codes can be found in the LARS database.
You should only use generic learning aim codes if there is no appropriate, regulated qualification learning aim available for the learner.
The generic learning aims have sequential numeric codes prefixed by the letter ‘Z’; these generic learning aim references are also known as class codes. You will need to search the LARS database using the sector subject area, level and, where applicable, funding band to identify the correct code to use.
For example, the learning aim code Z0001543 is for the following learning aim: Non regulated Adult skills formula funded provision, Entry Level, Preparation for Work, 101 to 196 hrs, PW A.
You can search for class codes using the Learning Aims search on the old ‘Hub’ the Category search filter (see screenshot below) can be found within the ‘Additional filters’ section on the Learning Aims search page.
The example in the image above shows the Category L class code highlighted. This search will produce all of the learning aims that are available within Category L.
Recording proxy learning aims
If there is a delay with the publication of information in the LARS database for a learning aim code that had been accredited by the awarding organisation, then you can temporarily enter the nearest equivalent aim code (in terms of type of provision and funding rate) into the Learning aim reference field.
Code LDM118 must be recorded in the Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring fields for this aim to indicate that the learning aim reference recorded is being used as a proxy for the actual learning aim that is being undertaken.
Once the actual learning aim reference is published, you must update the code recorded in the Learning aim reference field and remove code LDM118 from the Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring fields.
In all cases, the proxy aim details must be removed, and the actual aim details recorded before the end of the teaching year or before the learner completes or withdraws from the learning aim, otherwise the data will be rejected.
There is no guarantee that aims accredited by the awarding organisation will be approved for funding, so you should use proxy learning aims with caution.
Subcontracted or partner UKPRN
The Subcontracted or partner UKPRN field is completed where you are the lead provider and any part of the aim is subcontracted.
Where the individual parts of the aim are subcontracted to numerous providers, the UKPRN for the provider delivering the greatest proportion of the aim should be recorded in this field.
If the subcontracting partner changes, this field should be updated with the new subcontractor’s UKPRN. No other changes to the record are required. Do not record this as an aim transfer.
If the subcontractor is no longer delivering the aim, then the aim must be closed on the subcontractor’s ILR return with an appropriate Withdrawal reason.
FE colleges who are delivering subcontracted aims on behalf of another provider should include these aims as non-funded learning (Funding model 99) on their ILR and do not complete the Subcontracted or partner UKPRN field.
Additional delivery hours
This field records the additional hours delivered for Adult skills funded and ESOL units or qualifications where a learner needs additional learning to that funded through the applicable matrix rate.
The Additional delivery hours field may be used for approved ESOL units or qualifications and must not be used for non-regulated ESOL or any other ESOL qualifications.
Planned hours
The Planned Hours field is returned for learners on apprenticeship and T Level programmes.
For apprenticeships, this field will collect the planned off-the-job training hours for the apprenticeship programme. The off-the-job training minimum requirement is 20% of the learner’s apprenticeship programme hours.
Minimum off-the-job training required in hours can be calculated as below:
(X weeks (less statutory leave) x Y hours) x 0.2 = minimum planned hours
Where the apprentice is working 30 hours per week and requires the full content (no prior learning recognised) – 12 months (52 weeks) typical duration:
52 weeks (minus 5.6 weeks statutory annual leave) = 46.4 weeks
46.4 weeks x 30 hours = 1392 hours
1392 hours x 0.2 (minimum 20% off-the-job training) = 278.4 hours
In this example the ILR field would be populated with 278.
This is an example, the ILR field should be based on the individualised contract hours and duration of the specific learner and as recorded on the commitment statement. The duration should be extended if the apprentice is working less than 30 hours per week.
The off-the-job hours recorded may only be less than the minimum if specific exceptions apply. These exceptions are detailed in the rule references in the Apprenticeship Funding Rules.
Apprenticeship planned hours may include:
The teaching of theory, for example: lectures, role playing, simulation exercises, online learning and manufacturer training
Practical training, shadowing, mentoring, industry visits and participation in competitions
Learning support and time spend writing assessments and assignments.
Apprenticeship planned hours must not include:
English and maths delivery at level 2 or below
Training to acquire knowledge, skills and behaviours that are not required in the standard or framework
Progress reviews or on-programme assessment required for an apprenticeship framework or standard
Training that takes place outside the apprentice’s normal working hours
For T Level programmes the planned hours must include:
the technical qualification
Specialist content
Non-qualification activity
T Level planned hours must not include:
English and maths delivery
Industry placements
Other qualifications that are not part of the T Level.
For both apprenticeships and T Levels, planned hours are only recorded against the programme aim, are set at the beginning and cover the entire duration of the programme.
It is important to record the data in this field accurately at the being of the programme based on its supporting evidence. Data in this field should not be amended. The exception to this is if you are correcting a recording error.
To correct the error providers are permitted to change the field value to reflect the evidence they have in the evidence pack. This includes changes required after hard close. We will monitor changes to ensure compliance with this field.
Learning start date postcode
This field is completed for:
Adult skills (Funding Model 35) excluding traineeships
Community Learning (Funding Model 10)
Local authority funded Community Learning (Funding model 99 and Source of funding 108)
This field is returned at the start of the learning aim and will continue for the duration of the aim. For example, if the learner is in a devolved area at the start of the learning aim and then moves to outside of a devolved area, this postcode field will not be updated, and the funding arrangement will remain in place by the devolved area for the duration of the aim.
The Learning start date postcode will be validated to ensure it is a valid postcode on the learning aim start date, it is in the complete list of UK postcodes and that it matches the relevant Source of funding indicator.
If the learner's postcode is unknown, providers must return a postcode of ZZ99 9ZZ.
Funding adjustment for prior learning and Other funding adjustment
The Funding adjustment for prior learning field should be completed with the proportion of the learning aim that is still to be delivered if the learner is not undertaking the full scope of the learning aim because of prior learning. This can be because of a break in learning, a transfer from another provider, or because of prior learning when they join as a new learner on a new learning aim.
If you are delivering all of the learning for the aim and no adjustment to funding is required, then the field is not returned.
If the learner is returning from a break in learning or has transferred from another provider, as identified in the ILR as a ‘restart’, then the adjustment is based upon the time they have been in learning as a proportion of the time originally planned for this learning aim. This is based on the percentage difference between the original planned duration and the proportion of that time that they have already been in learning. The funding adjustment is applied to the monthly funding instalments but not to the achievement element.
For a learner who starts a learning aim with prior learning and is not a restart, in other words they do not need to undertake the full scope of the learning, you must record the percentage of learning left to undertake. This calculation is at your discretion and you must retain evidence of the calculation for audit. It could, for example, be based upon the percentage of credits left to deliver, time left to deliver, or learning left to deliver. The funding adjustment is applied to the monthly funding instalments and to the achievement element.
The Other funding adjustment field must only be completed if requested by the ESFA with the amount required to increase or decrease the funding for the learning aim, for reasons other than prior learning. If no adjustment to the funding of the learning aim is required, then this field must not be returned. The ESFA will inform providers of the factor to be used in this field if required.
For Adult skills funded A levels, if a learner undertakes both an AS and an A level in the same subject, you will need to record a funding adjustment on the ILR for the A level to take into account the prior learning completed for the AS learning aim.
Learning planned end date
The planned end date must only include the learning related to the learning aim and not include the end point assessment period.
Learning actual end date
For apprenticeship standards on a programme aim, the Learning Actual End Date will be completed after all learning has taken place and does NOT include the end point assessment period.
Achievement date
For apprenticeship standards, the achievement date must be returned where all learning activities have ended, and the end point assessment has taken place. Once this date is returned the Completion status and associated Outcome must be updated accordingly.
Completion status
The final ILR return of the year should be updated with a status of ‘withdrawn’ (Completion status code 3) for any learners who do not return for a second or subsequent year.
For apprenticeship standards, the completion status ‘1’ must be recorded until the end point assessment is complete.
Withdrawal reason
Use Withdrawal reason 47 when learners withdraw due to a merger.
Use code 48 when an Industry placement learner has withdrawn due to circumstances outside the providers' control.
Learning support funding
Learning Support is provided to help providers to work flexibly and provide supporting activity to meet the learning needs of learners with an identified learning difficulty and/or disability. This will enable these learners to achieve their learning goal.
The Learning Support Funding (LSF) FAM type should be recorded against one of the learning aims for learners who need learning support funding. For apprenticeship and traineeship learners, this is recorded on the programme aim record only.
For traineeship learners, once the Programme aim has ended the LSF is recorded against one of the remaining component aims if applicable.
For Apprenticeship Standards under Funding Model 36 the LSF FAM type can also be recorded against English/maths component aims. This is only the case where the English/maths component aim continues after the programme aim is closed, and the learner still requires learning support. This FAM type must only be recorded against one aim at any point in time.
The LSF FAM type is used by all types of providers for learning aims funded through the Adult skills funding model and for all funded apprenticeships (including FE colleges, local authorities and private training providers) and should be recorded for all learners who require learning support funding.
If the learner’s LSF status changes during their learning, this should be indicated by using the Date applies from and Date applies to fields on the LSF FAM record. The learning aim should remain unchanged.
Learning delivery monitoring
The Learning delivery monitoring (LDM) FAM type indicates participation in programmes or initiatives. The ESFA directorate responsible for running the project or pilot will inform providers involved of the code that should be used. This code should be used in addition to any existing codes being used as some codes are required for funding calculation and therefore may affect funding arrangements. A maximum of six codes are permitted in this field.
Devolved area monitoring
The FAM type Devolved Area Monitoring is used to indicate participation in programmes or initiatives in devolved areas. A maximum of six codes are permitted in this field.
Date applies from / Date applies to
The Date applies from and Date applies to fields must be completed when a Learning Delivery FAM type of Learning support funding (LSF) or Advanced Learner Loans Bursary funding (ALB) is recorded. These fields indicate when the funding is effective from and effective to.
When a Learning Delivery FAM type of Apprenticeship Contract Type (ACT) is recorded, the Date applies from must be completed. The Date applies to must only be completed if the learning aim has a Learning actual end date or if there is another ACT record with a later Date applies from.
If the status changes during the funding year, then new FAM records should be added with new corresponding dates. You do not need to close the learning aim and open a new one.
A learner has a learning aim start date of 1 September in the current year and the learner is in receipt of Learning support funding for two months.
A Learning Delivery FAM record will be recorded with a FAM type of LSF, the Date applies from will be recorded as 1 September, and the Date applies to will be 31 October.
If the learner received Learning support funding a month later and is in receipt of the funding for three months,
a second Learning Delivery FAM record of type LSF will be recorded with a Date applies from 1 December, and a Date applies to 28 February.
If the Learning support funding or Advanced Learner Loans Bursary funding is required for the entire duration of the learning aim, then the Date applies to field should be completed with the Learning planned end date. If this changes and the Learning support or Advanced Learner Loans Bursary funding is no longer required until the Learning planned end date, then the Date applies to field should be updated with the new earlier date.
If the period of time recorded on the ILR is less than one calendar month, then you will need to claim the Learning support funding through the EAS as detailed in the Funding Rules.
If Learning support funding or Advanced Learner Loans Bursary funding is required beyond the planned end date of the learning aim, then the Date applies to field should be updated to reflect this.
Family English, Maths and Language
The purpose for all Family, English, Maths and Language (FEML) learning aims is to support parents, guardians or carers, and their children’s learning and improve their home environment. The full requirements for FEML learning aims can be found in the ILR Specification.
The Learning Delivery FAM type ‘Family English, Maths and Language’ (FLN) should be completed by providers only to record FEML learning aims that are delivered through the Adult skills funding model (Funding model 35).
Where FEML learning aims are funded through the Community Learning funding model (Funding model 10), providers must record this using the Learning Delivery FAM type ‘Community Learning provision type’ (ASL).
Recording source of funding
This section sets out how the Source of funding (SOF) should be completed in the Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring fields.
The Source of funding (SOF) attribute code to use with each funding model is shown below:
Funding Model 10 SOF 105
Funding Model 25 Usually SOF 107, see guidance below for details
Funding Model 35 SOF 105 (see ILR specification for combined authorities)
Funding Model 36 SOF 105
Funding Model 37 SOF 105
Funding Model 81 SOF 105
Funding Model 82 SOF 107
Funding Model 99 Any SOF code except 105 or 107, if applicable
Learners who turn 19 during their learning aim or programme
For 16 to 18 apprenticeships, no change to the learner’s data is required if the learner turns 19 during the programme. The learner should continue to be recorded using funding model code 35 or 36 and Source of funding code 105. A Learning Delivery FAM record does not need to be returned for Eligibility for enhanced apprenticeship funding (EEF).
If the learner turns 19 whilst undertaking a 16-19 funded study programme (we class these learners as ‘19+ continuers’), then they will continue to be funded through the 16-19 Funding model (code 25) and Source of funding (code 107) until they complete their study programme.
Learners aged 19 to 24 who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHC)
All learners aged 19 to 24 who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHC) must be recorded using Funding model code 25 and Source of funding code 107, unless they are on an apprenticeship programme.
If any of these learners are also defined as high needs students, then this must be recorded in the Learner FAM fields using the High Needs Student (HNS) FAM Type.
We would not expect a 16-19 funded learner to be continuing over the age of 25.
These learning aims should be closed at the end of the academic year. If the learner is continuing, new aims should be recorded under the appropriate funding model from the start of the next teaching year. The source of funding must not be changed in-year.
The table below outlines how the Funding model and Source of funding fields should be completed for different combinations of age at start, current age, and whether or not the learner has an EHC plan.
Age on 31 August of teaching year in which learning started | Age on 31 August of current teaching year | EHC plan recorded | Funding model | Source of funding (SOF) |
16-18 | 16-18 | Yes or no | 25 | SOF107 |
16-18 | 19+ | No | 25 | SOF107 (for all types of provider) |
16-18 | 19-24 | Yes | 25 | SOF107 |
19+ | 19+ | No | 35 | SOF105 |
19-24 | 19-24 | Yes | 25 | SOF107 |
16-24 | 25+ | Yes | Withdraw learner | Withdraw learner |
Work Placement guidance
In addition to recording the work experience or the industry placement learning aim, you must record details of each work placement that is undertaken using the Work Placement entity.
You must record the hours planned for each individual work placement on the work placement entity in the field: ‘Work placement hours’.
The Work placement hours field is mandatory for each work placement record and must reflect the total hours planned for the individual work placement.
You must record the work placement hours planned for both internal and external work placements. For Industry placements, you must record the industry placement hours planned for the external work placement.
All industry placements must be with an external employer and the work placement employer identifier field must be recorded.
Where the work experience aim is a learner’s core aim, it is expected that the work experience will always be with an external employer.
If more than one work placement takes place within the teaching year and as part of the same programme of study, then the learning start and planned end dates for the work experience aim must cover the duration of all work placement periods for the teaching year.
If the learner has a core aim of work experience and they leave the study programme early to progress to a positive destination as detailed in the ESFA funding regulations for post-16 provision, then the learner should record the work experience aim as completed to be classed as retained for funding purposes.
Completing Higher Education (HE) data
Recording Higher Education (HE) data
The ILR contains two HE datasets: The Learner HE entity and the Learning Delivery HE entity. This HE data is requested by OfS and HESA.
The Learner HE and Learning Delivery HE fields should be completed as accurately as possible: the use of default values should be avoided. Returning values such as ‘not known’ or ‘not in HESES population’ may adversely affect OfS funding and should only be used where appropriate.
In addition to the Learning Delivery HE fields, providers may also need to complete the HE monitoring data in the Learning Delivery FAM entity.
The Learner HE entity also contains the Learner HE Financial Support entity. The Learner HE Financial Support entity is completed annually. At the start of each academic year, any records relating to the previous academic year should be removed and are not returned.
Recording Learner HE Financial Support
The Learner HE Financial Support entity collects details of the financial support received by the student for the year. This data will be used to understand the role that bursaries and other in-kind support play in determining the choice of where students study and the impact this has on their likelihood of continuing studies.
There are four financial types which can be collected. Each type can only be recorded once but the corresponding financial amounts are updated during the year.
Each Financial support type and Financial support amount pair should be recorded once per applicable Financial support type. Where the student is in receipt of multiple forms of a Financial support type (for example, two forms of cash support) these amounts should be summed and recorded under a single occurrence of the appropriate Financial support type.
A HE learner is in receipt of a scholarship and receives a payment on 15 September 2018 for £200.
A Financial support type of Cash is recorded with a corresponding Financial support amount of £200.
During the year, the same learner is in receipt of another scholarship payment of £400 and an accommodation discount of £300.
A Financial support type of Accommodation discount is recorded with a corresponding Financial support amount of £300. The existing record with a Financial support type of Cash is updated to have a value of £600 (to include both scholarship payments).