Correcting errors
- Correcting errors
- Correcting data errors after hard close
- Continuing learners who have an incorrect learning aim reference, or funding model
- Learners reported in the previous year as continuing who have now been identified as withdrawn
- Learners reported in the previous year as withdrawn who have now been identified as continuing
- Learners on a break in learning in the previous year who have now been identified as withdrawn
- Continuing learners whose Learning planned end date has now been identified as significantly incorrect
- Learners whose Apprenticeship standard have been identified as incorrect after hard close
- Correcting data for reasons other than data errors
Correcting errors
Data entry errors found in ILR data can usually be corrected as soon as the error is found, as long as the error was made in the current teaching year.
Any changes that are made outside of the funding qualifying period must be due to administrative errors only and not due to a learner changing courses (providing the learning aim started in the current teaching year).
Correcting data errors after hard close
If data is found to be incorrect after the hard close (R14) of the previous year and the data is incorrect due to an administrative error, then the data should be corrected in the ILR data for the current year and continue to be returned for the duration of the current ILR year. The previous year’s ILR file cannot not be amended.
Outlined below are various scenarios of incorrect data and the process for correcting these errors.
Please note that data from the previous year on the same learning aim record can only be amended in the current year if it is incorrect due to an administrative error.
You must not amend the following fields.
Learning start date
Learning planned end date
Learning actual end date- If an aim that was recorded as complete in the previous year’s R14 ILR file and continues to be returned in the current year, then the Learning actual end date must not be changed.
Continuing learners who have an incorrect learning aim reference, or funding model
On the incorrect learning aim, set the Completion status to code 3 ‘withdrawn’ and the Withdrawal reason to code 40 ‘Learner has transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider’. Record the Learning actual end date with the same date as the Learning start date (this date will be in the previous ILR year).
Record a new learning aim with the correct Learning aim reference and/or funding model. The Learning start date and Learning planned end date must be the same as on the original (incorrect) aim. Do not amend the Learning start date or Learning planned end date. The new aim record should not be recorded as a restart.
Learners reported in the previous year as continuing who have now been identified as withdrawn
On the learning aim, set the Completion status to code 3 ‘withdrawn’ and complete the Withdrawal reason field with the relevant code. Record the Learning actual end date as the last day the learner was in learning: this will be in the previous ILR year, do not use 1 August of the current year.
You must add a Destination and Progression record for this learner if applicable.
Learners reported in the previous year as withdrawn who have now been identified as continuing
On the learning aim, amend the Completion status to code 6 (Learner has temporarily withdrawn from the aim due to an agreed break in learning). Record a new programme with the same learning aim reference(s) the following day with a restart indicator (Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring Type = RES).
Learners on a break in learning in the previous year who have now been identified as withdrawn
On the learning aim, set the Completion status to code 3 ‘withdrawn’ and complete the Withdrawal reason with the relevant code. Do not amend any of the date or other aim data.
You must add a Destination and Progression record for this learner if applicable.
Continuing learners whose Learning planned end date has now been identified as significantly incorrect
On the learning aim, set the Completion status to code 3 ‘withdrawn’ and complete the Withdrawal reason using code 40 ‘Learner has transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider’. Record a Learning actual end date of 1 August of the current year.
Record a new learning aim with the same Learning aim reference and a Learning start date of 2 August of the current year and the correct Learning planned end date. Record this aim as a restart (Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring Type = RES) and complete the Funding adjustment for prior learning field with the percentage of learning that is still to be delivered.
This data should only be changed when it is identified as incorrect due to administrative errors. The Learning planned end date must not be changed to take into account a revised planned end date due to a change in circumstances such as illness, slow progress or unemployment.
If the planned end date is identified as being incorrect and the date prior to 1st August of the current year. This data error cannot be corrected. You will be required to acknowledge this administrative error in the learner evidence.
Learners whose Apprenticeship standard have been identified as incorrect after hard close
This is guidance for correcting an incorrect standard, framework or pathway code recorded in the previous year.
All aims part of the apprenticeship programme must be closed (including programme aim).
Record the Learning actual end date with a date identical to the Learning start date.
The Total negotiated price records (TNP) on the programme aim must remain unchanged
The closed aims would need an ACT "To" date to match the actual end date for aims where ACTs apply
A new programme must then be recorded as a new start with the correct amendments.
The Learning start date is recorded as a day after the close of the previous closed programme.
Record new TNP(s) on the new programme aim from the new learning start date.
Record new ACT records where ACTs apply to the new aims starting from the new learning start date
If the original incorrect programme started over a year prior to current year, please contact the service desk, rather than following the above guidance.
Correcting data for reasons other than data errors
If learning recorded as funded is identified in-year as ineligible for funding, the ESFA may require you to amend the records to ensure no funding is claimed.
To correct data errors due to a funding compliance issue in-year, you must:
Update the funding model recorded on the aim that has been deemed ineligible for funding to Funding model code 99 (Non-funded)
Continue to accurately record the learning you are delivering. You must not simply record the aim as withdrawn and continue to return it on the original funding model.