ILR specification: 2023 to 2024

Learning Delivery Monitoring: attribute field


Indicates participation in programmes or initiatives.

Reason Required

Learning aim monitoring.

Min Occurs
Max Occurs

Collection Requirements

  • Collected for all aims


  • Valid codes for this field can be found in the table below. Codes are not teaching year specific. The 'Valid from' column should be used to determine whether the code is valid for use.

  • Unassigned codes will fail validation and must not be used until they have been authorised for use and have been published.

  • The ESFA directorate responsible for running the project or pilot will inform providers involved of the code that should be used.

  • All learning aims delivered through funding models 81 and 82 should be identified using a Learning Delivery Monitoring code. Providers will be informed of which code to use. This does not apply to apprenticeship standards.

Attribute Codes

Code Title Definition Valid from Valid to
034 OLASS – Offenders in custody

Use this code only if you are a provider contracted to deliver learning to offenders in custodial establishments through the Offenders’ Learning and Skills Service (OLASS). This will enable the tracking and matching of offender learning and the continuity of learning aims when moving from offender learning in custody into the community.

31 Jul 2022
086 OLASS – Offenders in the community

Use this code only if you are delivering learning to offenders under supervision, or serving a sentence in the community. In order for providers to utilise this code, a referral to learning provision must have been made by either the National Probation Service or Youth Offending Team.

01 Aug 2007 31 Jul 2022
118 Proxy Learning Aim

This code should be used when providers are recording a different learning aim to that actually being delivered because the actual aim is not yet available on the LARS database. This code must not be used if the learning aim is completed or in the end of year returns.

01 Aug 2010
129 Group Training Association (GTA)

A GTA provides support on accessing, managing and the delivery of training for a group of employers to encourage their involvement in apprenticeships. This code is used to monitor the delivery of apprenticeships through GTAs.

01 Aug 2011
130 Apprenticeship Training Agency (ATA)

This code is used to identify Apprenticeships where the apprentice is directly employed by the ATA who then hires them out to a host employer.

01 Aug 2011 31 Mar 2023
320 14-16 Direct Funded Students in FE

This code should be used to identify learners from September 2013 who are full time 14 and 15 year olds and have been recruited directly by a General Further Education (GFE) or Sixth Form college.

01 Aug 2013
321 14-16 Home Educated Students

This code should be used to identify learners from September 2013 who are alternative provision census home educated students. These students will be funded as 14-16s direct in FE.

01 Aug 2013
322 Residential Courses

To identify courses that are being delivered by Long Term Residential Colleges (LTRCs) to learners in residence. The Education Skills Funding Agency funding calculation will use this information. You should not claim for Adult Learner Support - residential access if you are using code 322.

01 Aug 2013
324 Personalised learning programme for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities

This code should be used to identify non regulated provision that is created for learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities as part of their personalised learning programme where there is no other suitable alternative within a regulated framework

01 Aug 2013
328 RoTL

This code should be used for learners who are released from prison on a temporary licence.

01 Aug 2013
331 Princes Trust Team programme

This code should be used to record learning aims that are delivered as part of the Prince’s Trust TEAM programme. TEAM is a 12-week personal development course, offering work experience, qualifications, practical skills, community projects and a residential week. It should be used for both 16-19 and Adult skills funded learners.

01 Aug 2014
352 HESA-generated ILR file

This code is used to identify records generated by HESA. This code is used only by HESA and is auto generated whilst creating an ILR record from a HESA return.

01 Aug 2016 31 Jul 2022
353 Non-apprenticeship Sporting Excellence Award

This will permit providers to identify those learners and associated qualifications with alternative completion conditions (ACC) and permit them to be funded on a bespoke basis whilst ensuring they remain outside MI/SFR and other considerations that would make them formally “apprentices” whilst still undertaking the qualification within that framework.

01 Aug 2017
355 Non-apprenticeship Sea Fishing

Apprenticeship “Sea Fishing” which relates to a variety of possible apprenticeship routes described in the Act of Parliament

01 Aug 2017 31 Jul 2024
356 Apprenticeship being delivered to own employees

This code is used to identify apprenticeship programmes on Funding model 36 that are being delivered by an employer to their own employees, and so do not require co-investment payments to be recorded on the ILR.

01 May 2017
357 Procured Adult Education Budget (AEB)

This code should be used for all learning aims on the standalone procured AEB contracts that were awarded in July 2017 and started in November 2017. This code is required to distinguish procured AEB from the allocated AEB in the 2017/18 contract extensions that started in August 2017. The code is used by the funding calculation and mis-coding will affect payments. The contracts are for up to three years but are reviewed annually. AEB combines all ESFA Adult participation and support funding that is not European Social Fund, advanced learner loans or apprenticeships.

01 Nov 2017 31 Jul 2021
358 Extended Allocated Non-Levy Apprenticeships

This LDM code is to identify starts on the May 2017 to December 2017 allocated non-levy apprenticeships delivery, where the contracts are extended to March 2018 for new starts. Only existing non-levy providers who were unsuccessful in the procurement exercise can use this code and enrol new starts up to March 2018. The ESFA will monitor the use of the code, if validation rules cannot be applied, and ineligible starts will not be funded. This code must not be used on procured non-levy contracts. The code must be used across all collections/academic years until the apprentice has completed.

01 Jan 2018 31 Mar 2018
361 Waiver to record payment records for apprenticeships

This code should be used to identify providers who have authorisation to waive recording payment records for Apprenticeships.

01 May 2017
362 Apprentice care leavers

This code should be used to identify apprentices who do not wish their employer to be informed that they are a care leaver.

01 Aug 2018
363 Learners in receipt of low wages

This code is used to identify eligible employed adult learners you fully fund (who would normally be co-funded) for ESFA funded Adult Education Budget provision up to and including level 2, and earn less than £18,525 annual gross salary.

01 Aug 2018
365 Institute of Technology Provision

This is a programme to be delivered by high quality, prestigious institutions offering higher level technical education and training (STEM qualifications at Level 3 and above) to young people and to those already in employment, delivering on the manifesto commitment to establish Institutes of Technology. The IoT branded provision will be delivered under a license agreement between DfE and each IoT. DfE wishes to monitor the volume of provision delivered under the brand, the Level of the qualifications studied and the number of students achieving.

01 Aug 2019
366 Non-levy non-procured contract for authorised apprentices

This code should be used to identify apprentices in specific cases where the ESFA has authorised them to be funded under a non-levy non-procured contract instead of a non-levy procured contract. The ESFA will monitor the use of this code.

01 Jun 2019
367 De-merger monitoring

To identify learning delivery records which will be moved from the existing UKRPN under structural change - only to be used with authorisation from the ESFA

01 Jul 2019
368 COVID-19 temporary or permanent withdrawals

To identify learners who have left their programme without achieving due to COVID-19, including those who are being supported by the provider so they can return when it is safe to do so

21 Mar 2020 31 Jul 2022
369 COVID-19 new programme starts

To identify learners when they start a programme implemented by the provider in response to CV19, with support to ensure they start in learning when it is safe to do so.

21 Mar 2020 31 Jul 2022
370 Short Term Funding Initiative (STFI) 1

Response to Economic Shocks

01 Aug 2020
371 Short Term Funding Initiative (STFI) 2

Response to Economic Shocks

01 Aug 2020
372 Short Term Funding Initiative (STFI) 3

Response to Economic Shocks

01 Aug 2020
373 Short Term Funding Initiative (STFI) 4

Response to Economic Shocks

01 Aug 2020
374 Apply amended earnings calculation for authorised apprentices, to address specific scenarios with negotiated prices.

To be used when authorised by the ESFA, to apply an amendment to the apprenticeship earnings calculation, which addresses specific scenarios on negotiated prices for apprenticeships starting before 1 Aug 2020. It is not recommended to use this code unless authorised, as it changes effective prices and affects the data matching process.

01 Jul 2020
375 sector based work academies pre-employment training

This code is used to identify participants referred by Job Centre Plus to FE providers to undertake sector-based work academies pre-employment training funded by the Adult Education Budget.

01 Sep 2020
377 19-24 Traineeship (2020 procurement)

This code is used for claiming funding for 19-24 traineeships under a contract for services awarded in summer 2020.

01 Sep 2020 31 Jul 2024
378 Adult Level 3 Offer

This code is used to identify adults learners that undertake a specified Level 3 qualification as part of the Lifetime Skills Guarantee programme through the Adult Education Budget funded via the National Skills Fund.

01 Apr 2021
379 Adult Education Budget procurement 2021

This code should be used for all learning aims on the procured AEB contracts for services that start on 1 August 2021. This code is required to distinguish AEB procured in 2021 from AEB procured in 2017 and from AEB allocated to grant funded providers. The code is used by the funding calculation and mis-coding will affect payments. The contracts are for one year but there is the potential to extend. AEB combines all ESFA Adult participation and support funding that is not European Social Fund, advanced learner loans, apprenticeships, traineeships or community learning.

01 Aug 2021 31 Jul 2023
381 16-24 year old continuing a 14-16 valid aim started when the learner was aged 14 or 15

This code should ONLY be used for students who started a qualification with only 14-16 validity (i.e. does not have 16-19 validity) when they were aged 14 or 15 and who have continued to study the qualification after their 16th birthday. Normally students aged 16 and over cannot undertake qualifications only having 14-16 validity, however we recognise some 15 year olds may not finish their 14-16 valid qualification before their 16th birthday. Using this code will ensure that these students can continue to be funded and, therefore, valid in the ILR return.

01 Aug 2021
382 Free Courses for Jobs (Level 3 Offer) for Low Wage Learners

This code is used to identify employed learners earning under the low wage threshold (the national living wage - £18,525 in the 2022-23 financial year – or, if appropriate, the threshold set by GLA/MCAs), accessing qualifications through the Free Courses for Jobs (level 3 offer) from 1 April 2022.

01 Apr 2022
383 Portable flexi-job Apprenticeships pilot

To identify apprentices taking part in the portable flexi-job apprenticeships pilot programme.

01 Jun 2022 01 Oct 2023
384 T Levels for Adults Pilot

This code is used to identify learners aged 19 and over enrolled on the T Levels for Adults pilot programme beginning in September 2022.

01 Aug 2022 31 Dec 2024
385 Multiply Programme

This code is used to identify learners undertaking Multiply funded provision which is adult numeracy up to L2

01 Aug 2022 31 Mar 2025
386 Flexi-Job Apprenticeship Agencies (FJAAs)

This code is used to identify Apprenticeships where the apprentice is directly employed by the FJAA who then places them with a host employer.

01 Aug 2022
387 SME Apprenticeship Brokerage Pathfinder

This code is used to identify Apprenticeships where the apprentice is directly employed as a result of Brokerage contractor activity.

03 Oct 2022 02 Oct 2025
388 Adult Education Budget procurement 2023

This code should be used for all learning aims on the standalone procured AEB contracts that were awarded in July 2023 and started in August 2023. This code is required to distinguish these contracts from 2017 and 2021 procured contracts and from grant-funded providers.
The code is used by the funding calculation and miscoding will affect payments.

01 Aug 2023
389 LSIF – Local Skills Improvement Fund – Additionality

Use this code to capture delivery where learners have benefitted from access to LSIF funded facilities/equipment. This will enable the tracking of learners and courses, funded via non-LSIF route, that have accessed/used facilities and/or equipment that has been LSIF funded.

01 Sep 2023 31 Mar 2025
390 LSIF – Local Skills Improvement Fund – Delivery

Use this code to capture learners that were funded by Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF). This will enable the tracking of which learners and courses were funded through LSIF funding but not funded through the ILR.

01 Sep 2023 31 Mar 2025
391 - 500 Unassigned codes for new initiatives