ILR specification: 2023 to 2024

Postcode prior to enrolment: Field


The postcode of the address of the learner prior to enrolment.

Reason Required

To monitor delivery of learning. To support local planning. To monitor delivery of national contracts. To calculate minimum levels of performance. To allow analysis of Community Learning provision for Area Reviews, consistent with other provision.

Schema Definitions

XML Entity Name
Field Length
Data type
Minimum occurrences
Maximum occurrences
Part of

Collection Requirements

  • Collected for all learners

Valid Entries

A valid postcode which must be in upper case.


  • The Postcode prior to enrolment is completed when the learner first enrols on a programme of learning with a provider. It should not be updated if the learner moves house during this programme of learning (which includes between teaching years if the programme of learning extends over more than one teaching year).

  • If the learner progresses to a new programme of learning, then the Postcode prior to enrolment should be updated if applicable.

  • Providers must ensure that the Postcode prior to enrolment is not changed to influence funding for learning aims that are already in progress.

  • Postcode prior to enrolment must be returned for all learners.

  • Learners who were not resident in the UK prior to the start of learning (and therefore do not have a UK postcode prior to enrolment) must return a postcode of ZZ99 9ZZ.

  • If the learner's postcode is unknown, providers must return a postcode of ZZ99 9ZZ

  • Refer to guidance on recording valid postcodes for further information