R14 error guidance
Guidance for understanding the ILR and correcting data.
The R14 error guidance can be used to correct your 22/23 data for continuing learners, the errors can be located in the rule violation report.
Error message
The Learning aim reference is not valid in the LARS database for this Funding model for this teaching year
Rationale and guidance
This error triggers for learning aims which have an actual end date recorded after the 1st of August 2020 where the learning aims validity in LARS has expired for the provision the learner is studying. To clear this error please ensure that the learner is coded on the correct funding provision in the ILR and that the actual end date is correct for the academic year.
Error message
There must be a completed ZESF0001 learning aim for this learner
Rationale and guidance
You have recorded a number of ESF learning aims but have not entered a completed ESF Assessment. Please enter the ESF Assessment or remove the ESF learning aims to clear this error.
Error message
Learner destination and progression' record is missing. As the funded learning aims are now complete, learner destination and progression' must be entered within 2 months of the actual end date of the last aim to be completed. Check 'learner destination and progression' is recorded.
Rationale and guidance
The destination and progression record must be returned within 2 months of the completion of the relevant learning aim. The 2 month period has expired and a record must be returned, please ensure that the destination records learner refference number and ULN record match the learner record.
Error message
You do not have a contract for apprenticeships.
Rationale and guidance
You have returned an apprenticeship programme. However there is no apprenticeship contract associated with your UKPRN.
Please contact the ESFA Support Desk .
Error message
The Learning aim reference is not valid in the LARS database for this Funding model and this Learning start date
Rationale and guidance
For starts after the 1st of August 2021 the learning aim must be valid in FALA by looking at the validity table to ensure that the aim has funding for the returned provision. Validity criteria can be updated which would remove some aims from being valid for selected funding models. Where the learning aim is no longer valid please move the learner to an alternative.
Error message
The sum of the Planned learning hours and the Planned employability, enrichment and pastoral hours must not be zero.
Rationale and guidance
This error triggers where a learner has been recorded on a 16-19 funded programme and the hours field has been populated with 0 hours, to correct this error please enter the correct value into the field.
Error message
The Achievement date must be returned
Rationale and guidance
This error triggers for Apprenticeship standards that ended on or after the 1st of August 2021 and are recorded as completed (completion status 2) but the achievement date has not been returned. To clear this error the achievement date must be entered onto the learners ILR data.
Error message
There must be a prior attainment record matching the earliest learning aim start date of the learner.
Rationale and guidance
This error triggers where the prior attainment record does not match the learning aim start date. The prior attainment entity includes a 'date applies from' field to ensure that prior attainment records are accurate. To correct this error please ensure that the prior attainment record date is correct. Further information is available in the ILR specification.
Error message
The achievement date is not known, therefore the Date applies to record must be the same as the Learning actual end date.
Rationale and guidance
This error triggers where the learner has been recorded with an actual end date but the ACT “TO” date does not match, until the achievement date is entered this should be the same to pass Validation. Once the achievement date is entered the ACT “TO” date should be changed to match.
Error message
The Prior attainment has not been returned.
Rationale and guidance
Prior Attainment is now recorded as an entity, the error is triggering as the prior attainment has not been added for an applicable programme. Please review the migration specification for details of how to record the new prior attainment, once added the error will clear.