ILR specification: 2022 to 2023

Employment Status Monitoring Type: Field


Version 2 View changes

Version 1 View changes


Additional monitoring data associated with the employment status.

Reason Required

To monitor economic activity of learners, support delivery of programmes for the unemployed and establish eligibility for Adult skills and ESF funded learners.

Schema Definitions

XML Entity Name
Field Length
Data type
Minimum occurrences
Maximum occurrences

Attribute Codes

Code Title Definition
SEI Self employment indicator

To indicate whether the learner is self-employed.

EII Employment intensity indicator

To indicate the number of hours the learner is employed for per week.

LOU Length of unemployment

To identify how long the learner has been unemployed.

LOE Length of employment

To identify how long the learner has been employed.

BSI Benefit Status Indicator

To identify the type of benefit that the learner is in receipt of.

PEI Previous Education Indicator

To identify whether the learner was in full-time education or training prior to enrolment.

SEM Small Employer

To identify whether the employer recorded in the Employer identifier field is a small employer as defined in the funding rules

OET Other Employment Type

To identify other types of employment status such as redundancy
