Section 11 Recording A and AS levels
Recording AS and A level learning aims
You must accurately record the learning aim that a learner is working towards: either an AS or A level learning aim. If a new linear A level has not yet been introduced, then the learner must be recorded on the existing AS level or A level learning aim that is applicable.
Where a learner takes an AS qualification and continues with further study to take the A level qualification in the same subject, then both the AS learning aim and A level learning aim must be recorded.
Funding implications
Adults skills funded A levels: if a learner undertakes both an AS and an A level in the same subject, then you will need to record a funding adjustment on the ILR for the A level to take into account the prior learning completed for the AS learning aim.
16-19 funded A levels: no funding adjustment is required because these are funded through the ESFA’s 16-19 per student funding methodology which uses planned learning hours for the year to determine funding levels.
Advanced Learner Loan financed
AS and A levels: learners may apply for an Advanced Learner Loan for both AS and A levels to enable them to undertake up to 4 A levels funded with a Loan. Where a learner applies for a loan for an A level after sitting the AS in the same subject, you must reduce the fee for the A level to take into account the prior learning completed for the AS learning aim.
Recording transfers and withdrawals
Where a learner changes the AS or A level learning aim that they are working towards, or withdraws from the learning aim.
Below is a series of examples that illustrate how various transfer and withdrawal scenarios should be recorded. In these examples, it is assumed that an AS qualification is studied over one year and an A level over 2 years.
The following examples illustrate how some different scenarios should be recorded, and assume that an AS qualification is studied over one year and an A level over 2 years:
Example A
Learner starts intending to do only an AS level. They complete the AS level as planned and do no further study in this subject in year 2
Year 1: AS Level Subject 1
Year 2: no further study
Example B
Learner starts intending to do only an AS level. Following the AS results, they decide to take the A level in year 2 .
Year 1: AS Level Subject 1
Year 2: A Level Subject 1
The learner initially intends to do an AS level qualification, this learning aim is recorded on the ILR. After completing the AS aim, the learner decides to take the A level qualification in the same subject, an A level learning aim is recorded on the ILR.
For Adult skills funded learners, Funding adjustment for prior learning is required for this aim to take into account the previous learning completed for the AS learning aim.
Example C
Learner starts intending to do only an A level and does not enter for the AS level. They complete the A level as planned.
Year 1: AS Level Subject 1
Year 2: A Level Subject 1
Example D
Learner starts intending to do both an AS level and an A level. They complete both learning aims as planned.
Year 1 AS Level Subject 1
Year 2 A Level Subject 1
The learner initially intends to do both an AS and A level qualification. An AS learning aim is recorded on the ILR. After completing the AS aim, an A level learning aim in the same subject is recorded.
For Adult skills funded learner, Funding adjustment for prior learning is required for the A level aim to take into account the previous learning completed for the AS learning aim.
Example E
Learner starts intending to do only an A level, but during year 1 decides to enter for the AS level as well
Year 1: A Level Subject 1 AS Level Subject 1
Year 2: A Level Subject 1
Notes: the A level learning aim is closed and transferred to an AS level
The learner initially intends to do an A level qualification; an A level learning aim is recorded on the ILR. During the academic year, the learner decides to also enter for the AS level; the A level learning aim is closed with Completion status code 3 (Learner has withdrawn) and Withdrawal reason code 40 (Learner has transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider).
The AS learning aim is recorded with a new learning start date.
For Adult skills funded learner, Funding adjustment for prior learning must be recorded to take account the previous learning completed for the A level learning aim.
Once the AS aim has been completed, an A level learning aim in the same subject is recorded.
For Adult skills funded learners, Funding adjustment for prior learning is required for the new A level aim to take into account the previous learning completed for the AS learning aim.
Example F
Learner starts intending to do only an A level, but during year 1 decides to transfer to the AS level. They do not go onto take an A level in this subject
Year 1: A Level Subject 1
Year 1 (transfer): AS Level Subject 1
Year 2: Study for the AS level may continue into year 2 for some students
Notes: the A level learning aim is closed and transferred to an AS level
The learner initially intends to do an A level qualification; an A level learning aim is recorded on the ILR. During the academic year, the learner decides to transfer to the AS level; the A level learning aim is closed with Completion status code 3 (Learner has withdrawn) and Withdrawal reason code 40 (Learner has transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider).
The AS learning aim is recorded with a new learning start date. For Adult skills funded learners, Funding adjustment for prior learning must be recorded to take into account the previous learning completed for the A level learning aim.
Example G
Learner starts intending to do only an AS level, and during year 1 decides to transfer to an A level and does not sit the AS level.
Year 1: AS Level Subject 1
Year 1: Transfer to A Level Subject 1
Year 2: A Level Subject 1
Notes: the AS level learning aim is closed and transferred to an A level
The learner initially intends to do an AS level qualification; an AS learning aim is recorded on the ILR. During the academic year, the learner decides to transfer to the A level; the AS level learning aim is closed with Completion status code 3 (Learner has withdrawn) and Withdrawal reason code 40 (Learner has transferred to a new learning aim with the same provider).
The A level learning aim is recorded with a new learning start date. For Adult skills funded learners, Funding adjustment for prior learning must be recorded to take into account the previous learning completed for the AS level learning aim.
Example H
Learner starts intending to do only an A level, and withdraws completely from this subject during year 1 .
Year 1: A Level Subject 1
Notes: the A level learning aim is recorded as withdrawn
The learner initially intends to do an A level; an A level learning aim is recorded on the ILR. During the academic year, the learner decides to withdraw from the A level; the A level learning aim is closed with Completion status code 3 (Learner has withdrawn) and the relevant Withdrawal reason code.