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Provider support manual:

Recording High Needs Students

Recording High Needs Students

The Learner FAM code for High needs students (HNS1) should be completed for 16-19 funded and Other 16-19 funded students only where a local authority has paid element 3 ‘top-up’ funding for a student whose agreed learning support costs are greater than £6,000. It must not be used in any other circumstances, for example, where costs are less than or equal to £6,000 or where the local authority has made no in-year contribution to the costs even if they are judged/agreed to be greater than £6,000.

Code HNS1 should also be completed for students whose agreed learning support costs are greater than £6,000 and who are fully funded by the local authority in the current year. Learning aims for these students are recorded using funding model code 99 ‘Non-funded (No ESFA funding for this learning aim)’.

All 16-19 funded and Other 16-19 funded learners aged 19 to 24 who are recorded as being high needs students in the ILR must also have an Education Health Care (EHC) plan recorded in the Learner FAM fields.

For learners who receive element 3 support funding of more than £19,000, the Learning support cost field must be returned. The total support costs for the student should be recorded in this field (element 2 + element 3).

Supported Internships must be recorded with the Learning aim reference code ‘Z0002347’. Refer to section 14 for the correct recording of Supported Internships in the ‘Learning Aim Class Codes’ document.

Additional delivery hours

This field records the additional hours delivered for Adult skills funded and ESF funded ESOL units or qualifications where a learner needs additional learning to that funded through the applicable matrix rate.

The Additional delivery hours field may be used for approved ESOL units or qualifications and must not be used for non-regulated ESOL or any other ESOL qualifications.

Additional guidance for special post-16 institutions

For fields to be completed by special post-16 institutions (SPIs) during the current year and where the student is undertaking a traineeship programme, refer to the Field collection requirement tables.

The Learning support cost field must be completed for all high need students. This field should contain the total learning support cost (element 2 + element 3) for the student for the year. This will ensure consistency of data reporting with FE institutions.

Recording Learner FAM

  • High needs students: use code HNS1 for all high need students (16-19 funded only)

  • Education Health Care Plan: use EHC1 if the student has an EHC plan

  • Learner support reason: required if the student has received support from the 16 to 19 Bursary Fund or residential support. If not applicable, leave blank

  • Eligibility for 16-19 (excluding apprenticeships) disadvantage funding: use code EDF1 for students who have not achieved a maths GCSE (at grade A*-C or 9-4) by the end of year 11 and/or EDF2 for students who have not achieved an English GCSE (at grade A*-C or 9-4) by the end of year 11

  • GCSE maths condition of funding: use where a student is exempt from or has met the GCSE maths condition of funding

  • GCSE English condition of funding: use where a student is exempt from or has met the GCSE English condition of funding

  • Free meals eligibility: use code FME2 where a 16 to 19 year old student is eligible for and in receipt of free meals

For 16-19 funded students, at least one aim must have Aim type code 5 (core aim) and all other aims must have Aim type code 4 unless the student is studying a traineeship.

All 16-19 funded high needs students use Funding model code 25. Students who are fully funded by the local authority or are social care funded are not included on the ILR.

The Source of funding for all 16-19 funded high needs students must be code SOF107.