Additional guidance for apprenticeship frameworks recorded on Funding model 35
Additional guidance for apprenticeship frameworks recorded on Funding model 35
All funded apprenticeship framework programmes started before 1 May 2017 are recorded on Funding model 35. Funded apprenticeship framework programmes originally started before 1 May 2017 should be recorded on Funding model 35, for example where an apprentice restarts a framework programme, in line with the apprenticeship funding rules.
Source of funding code of SOF105 must be recorded in the Learning Delivery FAM fields on all funded aims for these apprenticeships.
Funding model 35 frameworks: Eligibility for enhanced apprenticeship funding
For frameworks funded through Funding model 35, the Learning Delivery FAM type ‘Eligibility for enhanced apprenticeship funding’ (EEF) may be used in the following circumstances:
EEF code 2
Entitlement to 16-18 apprenticeship funding where the learner is 19 or over.
Record EEF code 2 when:
the apprentice is restarting a programme on or after their 19th birthday but is entitled to 16-18 funding.
the apprentice is aged 19-24 and has an EHC plan.
the apprentice has transferred to a new apprenticeship pathway within the same framework and programme type, was aged 16-18 at the start of the programme, and is aged 19+ when they transfer to the new pathway.
EEF code 3
Entitlement to 19-23 apprenticeship funding where the learner is 24 or over.
Record EEF3 when the apprentice is restarting a programme on or after their 24th birthday but is entitled to 19-23 funding.
EEF code 4
Entitlement to extended funding for apprentices.
Record EEF code 4 when the apprentice is eligible for extended funding.
Refer to the Funding Rules for guidance about extended funding.
If an apprentice started their programme aged 18 and then is 19+ when they start one of their component aims within the programme, an EEF code is not required.
Where EEF code 2 is recorded, then FFI code 1 (fully funded) must also be recorded.
Where EEF code 3 is recorded then FFI code 2 (co-funded) must be recorded.
If an apprentice is recorded with the Learning Delivery FAM type EEF due to restarting their programme, then the Restart indicator (RES) must also be recorded in the Learning Delivery FAM fields.
Funding model 35 frameworks: recording achievements
When all elements of the apprenticeship have been completed and the Apprenticeship Declaration and Authorisation Form has been signed, the following should be recorded on the ILR:
All learning aims within the programme must be closed with Learning actual end dates set to the date for the last learning activity of the aim(s).
The programme aim should be closed with the Learning actual end date recorded as the last learning activity for the entire programme.
The Outcome on the programme aim should be recorded as code 1 ‘Achieved’.
All open and closed learning aims that are part of the framework should be returned on the ILR until the framework is completed. To calculate the framework achievement funding, both the competency and knowledge aims must be recorded when the framework is achieved.
Where a learner achieves their framework programme but is continuing with level 2 functional skills (having progressed from level 1 during the apprenticeship), the programme aim should be closed with an Outcome of ‘Achieved’ along with the competency and knowledge aims as detailed above. The level 2 functional skills aims can remain open and should continue to be recorded until they are completed. This process should be followed for both funding model 35 and 36.
The ESFA will pay Funding model 35 apprenticeship framework achievements in the year in which the apprentice completed the framework (based on the Learning actual end date of the programme aim). The funding calculation will look at the Outcome field to determine if the framework is achieved.