Recording learning outcomes
Recording learning outcomes
The ILR must be completed and updated regularly to reflect progress in the learner file (previously called ‘Learning Agreement’). Information should be updated when the outcome of the learning is known. Refer to recording fields and aims, below.
Recording continuing and achieved aims
Fields and aims:
Employment outcome
Continuing aims: Data not returned
Achieved aims: Return if applicable
Completion status
Continuing aims: 1
Achieved aims: 2
Learning actual end date
Continuing aims: Data not returned
Achieved aims: Date of the last learning activity for the aim
Withdrawal reason
Continuing aims: Data not returned
Achieved aims: Data not returned
Outcome Data
Continuing aims: not returned
Achieved aims: 1
Outcome grade
Continuing aims: Data not returned
Achieved aims: Relevant grade, see Appendix Q
The Employment outcome field is only completed for learning aims which are either part of a programme that is funded to deliver employment outcomes or a programme where separate employment outcome payments are made.
Recording retakes and resits
If a learner undertakes a learning aim, finishes learning, takes the final assessment and fails, then this aim should be closed and recorded as ‘not achieved’ (Outcome code 3).
Where this learner is then identified as needing further support or additional learning in order to pass the assessment, then a new learning aim should be recorded as a restart with a Funding adjustment for prior learning to account for the new learning required to pass the resit. You must not amend the original, closed learning aim.
Where no further learning is required and the learner is only resitting the assessment or exam, then this is not funded by the ESFA and a new aim must not be recorded.