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Provider support manual:

Recording Learner Destination and Progression

Recording Learner Destination and Progression

This data is collected in the ILR to demonstrate how the FE sector is contributing to the future success of learners. Destination and progression outcomes for a learner include gaining employment or going on to further study.

The Learner Destination and Progression entity records the destination or progression outcomes for a learner, these outcomes will usually be reported after the learner has completed or withdrawn from the activities on their original learning agreement or plan.

You do not need to complete a Destination and Progression record at the end of every learning aim.

When to collect and return Destination and Progression data

Destination and progression is collected when the learner has completed or withdrawn from all the activities on their original learning agreement or plan.

Destination and progression data is required to be returned within two months of the learning being completed.

As with Learner and Learning Delivery records, you must continue to include Destination and Progression records in each ILR file that you send for the teaching year.

You can continue to record and update data about a learner’s destination and/or progression until the end of the teaching year following the ILR year in which their learning ended.

There is no requirement to continue to return destination data for learners who ended learning in the previous year, unless this learning was a Traineeship or ESF funded. Please refer to Appendix B migration specification for details.

Destination and progression outcomes that are due to occur in the future can be recorded, for example where a learner has a place on a course that is due to start in two months’ time. A future outcome should only be recorded if it has a definite start date within the following year: aspirational outcomes must not be recorded. You should be aware that future outcomes will not count as positive destinations unless they are later confirmed to have taken place.

If you record a destination or progression outcome for a learner that you later wish to update, for example if the learner confirms that they are still in a job at a later date, then you can update the original record and amend the collection date. A new destination record with the same outcome type and code does not need to be added.


An unemployed Adult skills funded learner finishes all of their aims in March 2020, their training provider contacted them on 1 July 2020 to learn that they progressed into full-time employment and had started working on 12 June 2020.

A Destination and Progression record is returned in the 2019 to 2020 ILR for this learner. The record will contain:

  • Outcome type = EMP

  • Outcome code = 1

  • Outcome start date = 12 June 2020

  • Outcome collection date = 1 July 2020

A learner completes a traineeship on 1 September 2019 and progresses onto an apprenticeship with the same provider on 14 November 2019.

In addition to the Learner and Learning Delivery records, the provider must return the following Destination and Progression record:

  • Outcome type = EDU

  • Outcome code = 2

  • Outcome start date = 14 November 2019

A 16-19 year old learner finishes a study programme on 20 March 2020 and progresses into full-time employment.

The provider must return a Destination and Progression record as follows with an Outcome start date of the date the learner started working:

  • Outcome type = EMP

  • Outcome code = 1

On 4 May 2020 the learner enrols back with the provider onto a further full-time programme of study having left employment.

The provider must add an Outcome end date onto the previous Destination and Progression record and update the Outcome collection date with the date that they received the updated information.

In addition to this, a new Destination and Progression record must be added with the relevant Outcome start and collection dates to reflect the education destination:

  • Outcome type = EDU

  • Outcome code = 4