R08 error guidance
Guidance for understanding the ILR and correcting data.
Prepare for R09 by correcting the errors from your R08 submission, your errors can be located in the rule violation report.
Error message
Apprenticeship financial record date' is wrong. It can't be after the file preparation date. Check apprenticeship financial record date is correct.
Rationale and guidance
Apprenticeship financial records must be accurate and a true reflection on the cost of an apprenticeship or a payment for co-investment received from the employer. Due to this requirement a TNP or PMR record cannot have a future date recorded as this would reflect an estimated cost rather than actual values. To clear this error please amend the financial records to ensure that they are accurate and dated before the ILR submission is made.
Error message
The Full funding indicator is not valid for this learning aim
Rationale and guidance
This error triggers for adult skills funded learners, aged 24 and over who started a qualification after the 31st of July 2020, where full funding is not applicable. Please check the learner’s eligibility using the AEB funding rules, where the learner is eligible due to one of the exemptions listed in the validation rule please ensure that this is added to the data to pass validation. Where the learner is not eligible to receive full funding, co-funding may be available and should be recorded using FFI2 which will then clear the error.
Error message
The learning aim start date postcode is not valid on the start date of the learning aim and the source of funding
Rationale and guidance
For starts after the 1st of August 2021 the Learner Start date postcode must be a valid look up on the AEB postcode table for the source of funding which has been returned. If the postcode does not appear on the tracker the code of ZZ99 9ZZ can be used so long as the postcode is valid on the Royal mail and then updated once one the tracker. If the postcode returned is in a devolved area the correct SOF must be used to clear the error.
Error message
There is more than one record for this ULN. There mustn't be multiple records with the same ULN. Check each record has a different ULN.
Rationale and guidance
This rule has been changed from a warning to an error in 20/21 to ensure that multiple learner records are not recorded in the ILR for the same ULN to improve data quality. To clear this error the original learner record should be used to record the new aims when a learner moves to another area of study within the same provider.
Error message
This Unique learner number must not be used.
Rationale and guidance
This rule triggers after the start of January in the current teaching year, it triggers where a learner has a ULN number of 9999999999 and they are enrolled on a programme which lasts longer than 5 days. To clear this error each learner will need a Unique learner number adding to the data, the ULN numbers can be found on the Learner Records Service.
Error message
The Full or co-funding indicator must be returned for this Funding model
Rationale and guidance
Full or co-funding indicator has not been returned, this field is mandatory and is used in the funding calculation for adult funded learners.
Error message
The Learning start date postcode is not valid.
Rationale and guidance
The postcode entered is not listed on the ONS postcode table. Check the postcode entered is correct and resubmit.
If the postcode is for a new build and is not yet on the ONS postcode table, refer to postcode validation guidance.
Error message
The Planned employability, enrichment and pastoral hours have not been returned
Rationale and guidance
This error triggers were the planned employability, enrichment and pastoral hours field has not been returned for a 16-19 programme, to correct the error please enter the record using the 16-19 funding guidance for information if required.
Error message
Actual Hours for Off the Job Training must be returned
Rationale and guidance
This error triggers for apprenticeship learners who started on or after August 2019, the error will trigger where a learner has been recorded in the ILR as completed but the actual hours field has not been returned. This is a mandatory field for Apprenticeships under funding model 36 to ensure that the off the job training policy is followed. To clear the error please correctly record the hours for all completed apprentices.
Error message
Learner destination and progression' record is missing. As the funded learning aims are now complete, learner destination and progression' must be entered within 2 months of the actual end date of the last aim to be completed. Check 'learner destination and progression' is recorded.
Rationale and guidance
The destination and progression record must be returned within 2 months of the completion of the relevant learning aim. The 2 month period has expired and a record must be returned, please ensure that the destination records learner refference number and ULN record match the learner record.