ILR specification: 2023 to 2024

Year of Student on this Instance: Field


To indicate the year number that the student is in since enrolling for a course leading to the student's qualification aim (whether or not the intended subject or class has changed) i.e. number of years on this student instance.

Reason Required

To track student progression.

Schema Definitions

XML Entity Name
Field Length
Data type
Minimum occurrences
Maximum occurrences

Collection Requirements

  • Collected for all aims

Valid Entries

Must contain a value in the range 1 to 98


  • Students whose first term is waived should be deemed to have started when that first term would have started.

  • This field should not be incremented for periods of dormancy; for example, if a student becomes dormant after their first year of study, and remains out of the system for one year, on resuming their studies this field would be returned as 2.

  • This field should be incremented for a sandwich placement year and both compulsory and optional years out.

  • In cases where a student has to repeat a year, this field should be incremented.

  • For full guidance about this field, please refer to the HESA specification .

  • Foundation years should be coded as 1 in this field.

  • Further guidance on the role of this field in UHN linking can be found in the UHN guidance document .