Delivery Location Postcode: Field
The postcode of the address at which the learning is delivered.
Reason Required
To monitor delivery of learning and to calculate the area cost factor funding for Adult Skills funding. To support local planning. To monitor delivery of national contracts. To calculate minimum levels of performance. To allow analysis of Community Learning provision for Area Reviews, consistent with other provision.
Schema Definitions
- XML Entity Name
- DelLocPostCode
- Field Length
- 8
- Data type
- RestrictedString
- Minimum occurrences
- 1
- Maximum occurrences
- 1
- Part of
- LearningDelivery
Collection Requirements
- Collected for all aims
Valid Entries
A valid postcode which must be in upper case.
Where delivery is at more than one location, record the postcode of the location at which the majority of learning is delivered.
Where provision is delivered away from a learning centre, for example distance or e-learning, the following code should be entered: ZZ99 9ZZ.
Where the delivery point is a building site without a postcode the local provider's postcode should be used.
This should be the delivery location at start. There is no requirement for providers to update this information if the learner's delivery location changes.
For learners undertaking HE learning where the majority of learning takes place in the workplace, the postcode of the HE centre (or college) should be recorded in the HE centre location postcode field in the Learning Delivery HE entity