Traineeships for 16 to 18 year olds
Traineeships for 16 to 18 year olds
These are funded using the ESFA 16-19 per student funding methodology (previously called ‘16-19 EFA funding’).
All learning aims must be recorded using Funding model code 25.
You must record the appropriate Source of funding based on your funding agreement:
If you have a 16-19 (excluding apprenticeships) funding agreement with the ESFA, then the Source of funding must be recorded using code SOF107 in the Learning Delivery FAM fields.
If you have an Adult skills funding agreement and do not have a 16-19 (excluding apprenticeships) funding agreement, then the Source of funding must be recorded using code SOF105 in the Learning Delivery FAM fields.
If you have both a 16-19 funding agreement and an Adult skills funding agreement, then the Source of funding for traineeships for 16 to 18 year old learners must be SOF107.
The Programme aim must be recorded as Aim type code 1, and the Work experience aim must be recorded as the core aim using Aim type code 5. All other aims must be recorded as a component aim using Aim type code 3. If the work experience takes place across two teaching years, then a separate learning aim is recorded in each teaching year.
The Planned learning hours field should include the hours undertaken on approved qualifications, including regulated work preparation qualifications, English and maths.
The Planned employability, enrichment and pastoral hours field should include the planned hours for work experience which is recorded in the work placement hours field, all non-regulated work preparation and other non-qualification activities.
If the learner progresses to an apprenticeship in the same year after completing their traineeship, then the planned hours for the traineeship must continue to be returned. Learning hours undertaken within the apprenticeship are not recorded.