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Recording work placements

Recording work placements

The Learning Delivery Work Placement entity is used to collect additional data about individual work experience placements that are being undertaken by a learner as part of a traineeship, Supported Internship or 16-19 study programme. The non-regulated learning aim references (listed below) must be used when recording work placements for these types of programmes.

When a work experience learning aim is returned as part of a traineeship, Supported Internship or 16-19 study programme the aim must have one or more work placement records associated with it. If a learner undertakes multiple work placements during their learning programme, then separate work placement records will be recorded for each placement.

Work experience learning aims are recorded using the non-regulated learning aim references:

  • ZWRKX001 Work experience/placement

  • ZWRKX002 Industry placements

  • Z0002347 Supported Internships

The Work Placement entity is not required for ESF work placements: work placement records do not need to be sent for ESF funded work placements