ILR specification: 2022 to 2023

Percentage not Taught by this Institution: Field


This field indicates the percentage of the year for which other arrangements for teaching have been made, for example, taught collaboratively between two institutions. The percentage represented by this field denotes the proportion not taught by the returning institution.

Reason Required

For an indication of the extent of franchising arrangements for teaching. To apportion the learner numbers between the collaborating institutions in the ways which are appropriate for different purposes; for example, for funding purposes and for total learner counts, all the learners may be counted against a 'lead (parent/hub) institution', whereas for other purposes they ought to be split between the collaborating institutions.

Schema Definitions

XML Entity Name
Field Length
Data type
Minimum occurrences
Maximum occurrences

Collection Requirements

  • Collected for all aims

Valid Entries

Must contain a value in the range 0.1 to 100.0


  • For full guidance about this field, please refer to the HESA specification.

  • This field must be completed for all qualifications delivered by franchising only.

  • The length of this field is 5 characters, data should be returned with or without leading zeros or the decimal place, e.g. 005.0 or 5.0 or 5.