ILR specification: 2022 to 2023

Gross Tuition Fee: Field


The gross fee for this year, for the student on this course. Gross fee is the fee before any financial support from the institution such as waivers are taken into account.

Reason Required

To monitor the various fee levels, for example by subject, course type and student characteristics including their spread across the UK.

Schema Definitions

XML Entity Name
Field Length
Data type
Minimum occurrences
Maximum occurrences

Collection Requirements

  • Collected for all aims

Valid Entries

Must contain a value in the range 0 to 999999


  • Gross tuition fee amount has to be submitted in pounds to the nearest whole pound.

  • This field is not required where the Student Support Number is provided as this data can be obtained from the Student Loans Company.

  • The value in this field should reflect the fee actually charged to the student. Other financial support given to the student such as bursaries, free equipment or similar should not be included in any reduction to the fee.

  • The gross fee should not be reduced to account for waivers, the value used should be the fee before any waivers are applied.

  • The value recorded in this field should be the gross tuition fee for this year and not the entire course.

  • The value should not be reduced to reflect non-payment of fees.

  • For courses that run for more the one year and charge the fees up front, the fees should be divided between the course years.

  • Writing-up students who are charged an additional fee on top of the agreed fee for the course by the HEI, should include the additional fee in this field.

  • If a student leaves the institution part way through the year, the annualised amount the student would have been charged should be returned.

  • Where fees are paid in part or full on the student's behalf, for example by an employer, the gross fee should not be reduced to reflect this.

  • The HESA specification does not require GROSSFEE field collection for Apprenticeship programmes.

  • For full guidance about this field, please refer to the HESA specification.