Date Employment Status Applies: Field
Version 2 View changes
The date on which the employment status applies. To identify the time period which the employment status applies to and enable matching of employment status records to episodes of learning.
Reason Required
To identify the time period which the employment status applies to and enable matching of employment status records to episodes of learning.
Schema Definitions
- XML Entity Name
- DateEmpStatApp
- Field Length
- 10
- Data type
- xs:date
- Minimum occurrences
- 1
- Maximum occurrences
- 1
- Part of
- LearnerEmploymentStatus
Collection Requirements
- 16-19 excluding Apprenticeships (FundModel 25)
- Adult Skills (FundModel 35)
- Skills Bootcamps (FundModel 37, Prog Type 32)
- Apprenticeships (FundModel 36)
- Other Adult (FundModel 81)
- Other 16-19 (FundModel 82)
- Non-funded (FundModel 99)
Valid Entries
A valid date, using the date pattern YYYY-MM-DD
The date of one of the Employment Status records must be before the start date of the earliest recorded learning aim or programme aim.
The Date the employment status applies field indicates the date the employment status was confirmed to apply. It is not necessarily the date on which the employment status changed.