ILR specification: 2022 to 2023

Learner Destination and Progression: Entity


The destination of the learner when they have completed or withdrawn from the activities on their original learning agreement or plan.

Reason Required

  • To demonstrate how the FE sector is contributing to the future success of learners

  • Minimum standards and publishing provider level outcomes for traineeships

  • ESF funding

  • DfE completion and attainment measure

Schema Definitions

XML Entity Name
Minimum Occurrences
Maximum Occurrences

Collection Requirements

  • 16-19 excluding Apprenticeships (FundModel 25)
  • Adult Skills (FundModel 35)
  • ESF (FundModel 70)
  • Other Adult (FundModel 81)
  • Non ‘apprenticeship service’ apprenticeship, funded by ESFA (FundModel 36, ACT2)
XML Elements Schema mandation
LearnRefNumber Y

Data Model

ERD LearnerDestinationandProgression
Child Entities Schema mandation
DPOutcome Y


Collected for apprenticeships that are not on the apprenticeship service and are funded through a contract for services with the ESFA that started on or after 1 August 2018, where the contract has remained with the ESFA.

This data is not collected where an apprenticeship changes from a contract for services with the employer (ACT 1) to a contract for services with the ESFA (ACT 2).

Collected for learners when they have completed or withdrawn from all the activities on their original learning agreement or plan.

Not required for apprenticeship standards funded through the trailblazer funding model (FundModel 81 and ProgType 25)

  • This data is required both for learners who leave the provider and for learners who are remaining with the same provider to progress to further learning.

  • Information about when to collect this data and examples of recording destination and progression data in different scenarios can be found in the Provider Support Manual.