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Provider support manual:

Recording apprenticeship outcomes and completion

Funding model 36: recording learning outcomes

You must regularly complete and update the ILR to reflect progress in the apprentice’s programme.

In the scenario where an apprentice undertakes an aim as part of the apprenticeship programme, finishes their learning for the aim, then takes the assessment (if required for the aim) and fails, then this aim should be closed, it’s outcome must be recorded as not achieved. Where this apprentice is identified as needing further support or additional learning in order to pass the assessment, a new learning aim should be recorded as a restart. However, if no further learning is required and the apprentice is only resitting the assessment, then a new aim must not be recorded.

Recording apprenticeship standard completions

For apprenticeship standards that complete their learning on or after 1 August 2019, when all of the training and end point assessment elements have been completed, the following should be recorded:

  • All the component learning aims within the programme must be closed with the Learning actual end date set to the date of the last learning activity for the aim(s).

  • The programme aim must be closed with the Learning actual end date recorded as the date the training period for the programme was finished, not including the end point assessment period.

  • The programme aim must be updated with the Achievement date recorded as the date the end point assessment period for the programme was completed, whether the outcome was a success or a failure.

  • The Date applies to must be recorded on the latest Apprenticeship contract type FAM record as the same date as the achievement date for the programme aim.

When the training period for the apprenticeship standard is complete, but the end point assessment period is incomplete, the Outcome must be recorded as code 8 ‘Learning activities are complete but the outcome is not yet known’. Where the Outcome is recorded as code ‘8’, the learning actual end date must also recorded, as all learning activities have taken place.
When the end point assessment period for the apprenticeship standard is complete, the Outcome field must be updated accordingly. If the apprenticeship standard has resulted in a failure at the end point assessment, the Outcome on the programme aim must be recorded as code 3 ‘No achievement’. If the apprenticeship standard is successfully achieved following the end point assessment, the Outcome on the programme aim must be recorded as code 1 ‘Achieved’.

All open and closed learning aims that are part of the apprenticeship standard programme must be returned on the ILR until the standard is completed.

In order to be recorded as ‘Completed’ (Completion status code 2), both the training and end point assessment activities for the programme must be completed. An end point assessment that has resulted in a failed outcome can be classed as complete as long as the learner reaches the end of the end point assessment period, rather than withdrawing. If either of these have not been completed, then the programme aim cannot be recorded with Completion status code 2.