Recording a core aim
Recording a core aim
Every 16-19 funded study programme must contain a ‘Core aim’. This must be recorded in the Aim type field using code 5. The core aim is the substantive learning aim being undertaken in a study programme. See the ‘Funding rates and formula guidance’ for more information on determining core aims.
For academic study programmes, if the learner’s qualifications are of the same size, for example 3 A levels, you must assign one of these qualifications as the core aim.
Should a learner withdraw from the core aim, the core aim should only be reassigned where the new core aim is clearly demonstrable to be a substantive and core component of the learner’s study programme. If an alternative aim that meets these criteria cannot be identified, then the withdrawn aim should remain as the core aim.
For academic study programmes where all aims within the programme are of equal size, there is no requirement to select another core aim should a learner withdraw from the original core aim. Please refer to the funding guidance for young people for a definition of academic and vocational programmes.
It is expected that you will be able to identify the substantive learning aim for the learner at the start of their study programme. In exceptional circumstances when the core aim is unknown by the end of the funding qualifying period, then another aim should be designated as core until the substantive learning aim is decided upon and recorded. The Aim type should then be re-assigned. The core aim must be finalised by the end of the teaching year.
For all non-traineeship study programmes that continue across more than one teaching year
If the core aim is completed in year one then this aim should not be returned in year two. A new core aim must be identified in year two.
For traineeships programmes that continue across more than one teaching year
If the core aim is completed in year one then this aim should continue to be returned in year two. A new core aim does not need to be identified in year two. All learning aims that are part of the traineeship programme must continue to be returned in year two, including the programme aim and any other aims that were completed in year one.