ILR specification: 2020 to 2021

Work Placement Mode: Field


The type of work placement being undertaken.

Reason Required

This data will be analysed alongside data on English and maths and substantial qualifications to monitor and report to Ministers on the extent to which schools and colleges are complying with 16-19 study programme principles.

Schema Definitions

XML Entity Name
Field Length
Data type
Minimum occurrences
Maximum occurrences

Collection Requirements

  • Traineeships (ProgType 24)
  • 16-19 excluding Apprenticeships (FundModel 25)

Attribute Codes

Code Title
1 Internal (simulated) work placement
2 External work placement


  • This field describes the type of work placement being undertaken. An external work placement is time spent with an external employer, external to the learning environment and at an external site.

  • A simulated environment in an education institution, such as a college restaurant run by an external organisation, or experience in a college-based crèche that is a commercial enterprise do not count as an external work placement and should be recorded as internal.

  • Both internal and external work placements should be recorded on the ILR.

  • Further information can be found in the Provider Support Manual and the 16-19 (excluding Apprenticeships) Work experience guidance note: