Learning Start Date Postcode: Field
Version 1 View changes
The residency postcode of the learner for the purposes of funding
Reason Required
To determine whether learners are in a devolved or non-devolved area.
Schema Definitions
- XML Entity Name
- LSDPostcode
- Field Length
- 8
- Data type
- RestrictedString
- Minimum occurrences
- 0
- Maximum occurrences
- 1
- Part of
- LearningDelivery
Collection Requirements
- Aim Type 4
- Community Learning (FundModel 10)
- Adult Skills (FundModel 35)
- Local Authority funded Community Learning provision (Fund Model 99 and Source of funding 108)
Valid Entries
A valid postcode that must be in upper case.
This field to be returned for aims that start on or after 1 August 2019 (this does not include restarts).
This postcode is completed for Adult skills (Funding Model 35) excluding traineeships, Community Learning (Funding Model 10), and Local authority funded Community Learning (Funding model 99 and Source of funding 108).
This field is returned at the start of the learning aim and will continue for the duration of the aim. For example if the learner is in a devolved area at the start of the learning aim and then moves to outside of a devolved area, this postcode field will not be updated and the funding arrangement will remain in place by the devolved area for the duration of the aim.
Please refer to the Adult Education Budget (AEB) funding rule for the definition of residency.
If the learner's postcode is unknown, providers must return a postcode of ZZ99 9ZZ
Full valid postcodes can be located at the Royal Mail Postcode finder website, https://www.royalmail.com/find-a-postcode