ILR specification: 2020 to 2021

Completion status: Field


Version 2 View changes


An indication of the degree of completion of the learning activities leading to the learning aim.

Reason Required

To monitor the degree of completion of learning activities in the sector. To calculate the retention element of 16-19 (excluding Apprenticeships) funding and to calculate retention measures in 16 to 18 performance tables.

Schema Definitions

XML Entity Name
Field Length
Data type
Minimum occurrences
Maximum occurrences

Collection Requirements

  • Collected for all aims

Attribute Codes

Code Definition

The learner is continuing or intending to continue the learning activities leading to the learning aim


The learner has completed the learning activities leading to the learning aim


The learner has withdrawn from the learning activities leading to the learning aim


Learner has temporarily withdrawn from the aim due to an agreed break in learning


  • Providers should ensure that the Completion status is updated for learners throughout the year.

  • Failure to update the Completion status may negatively impact on student reporting in retention measures in 16 to 18 performance tables (i.e. a completed aim incorrectly recorded as either Code 1 ‘continuing’ or Code 3 ‘withdrawn’).

  • For apprenticeship standards, the learning activities for the programme aim include both the training and end point assessment. Code 2 must only be used for the apprenticeship standard programme aim where both the training and end point assessment activities have been completed.

  • Further information about recording completion and guidance about breaks in learning can be found in the ILR guidance documents.