ILR specification: 2020 to 2021

Apprenticeship Financial Record: Entity


This entity collects data about the cost of an apprenticeship and financial contributions received from an employer for an apprenticeship

Reason Required

To calculate funding for apprenticeship standards funded through the trailblazer funding model and for apprenticeships funded through the apprenticeship funding model (FundModel 36).

Schema Definitions

XML Entity Name
Minimum Occurrences
Maximum Occurrences

Collection Requirements

  • Apprenticeships (FundModel 36)
  • Apprenticeship Standards (ProgType 25)
XML Elements Schema mandation
AFinType Y
AFinCode Y
AFinDate Y
AFinAmount Y

Data Model



Collected for all apprenticeships funded through the apprenticeship funding model (FundModel 36) and apprenticeship standards funded through the trailblazer apprenticeship funding model (FundModel 81 and ProgType 25).

Not required for non-funded apprenticeships (FundModel 99).