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Name UKPRN_19
Version 1
Status Active
Category Learner
Severity Error
Error message

This learning aim cannot be started after the Stop New Starts date for this funding relationship


To ensure that there are no new starts under the delivery contract once a 'Stop New Starts' order has been placed on it.


Where a 'Stop New Starts' order has been placed on the contract for delivery, no new starts can be returned until this order has been removed from the contract.


If the learning aim is identified as Adult education budget (FM = 35 and SOF = 105 and LDM = 357) where there is a funding relationship in FCT for this UKPRN, it cannot be started on or after the Stop New Starts date of the latest contract start date.

Detailed error condition
Detailed description

If the learning aim is identified as procured Adult Education Budget (AEB) (( LearningDelivery.FundModel = 35 and LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMType = SOF and LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMCode = 105) and LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMType = LDM and LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMCode = 357) and where there is a funding relationship in FCT for this LearningProvider.UKPRN = ContractAllocation.DeliveryUKPRN and where ContractAllocation.FundingStreamPeriodCode = AEB-19TRN2021, AEB-AS2021) , it cannot be started on or after the Stop New Starts date of the latest contract start date in FCT (ContractAllocation.StartDate)

(error where ContractAllocation.StopNewStartsFromDate is not null and LearningDelivery.LearnStartDate >= ContractAllocation.StopNewStartsFromDate of the latest ContractAllocation.StartDate in FCT)


This rule is not triggered by Restarts ( LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMType = RES)

Flow chart UKPRN_19 Flowchart

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Flow chart details

Flowchart for 'UKPRN_19' rule

1. Is the aim a restart?

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'No' then:

2. Is the aim recorded as Adult skills (FM = 35 and SoF = 105 and LDM = 357)?

  • If 'No' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'Yes' then:

3. Is there a 'Stop new starts' instruction in FCT for the UKPRN?

  • If 'No' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'Yes' then:

4. Is the aim start date after the 'Stop new starts' instruction?

  • If 'No' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is triggered

Change summary

Version 1

The Rule has been rolled over from the Previous year

Status summary

Current SLD severity


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Field values






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