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Name FamilyName_04
Version 1
Status Active
Category Learner
Severity Error
Error message

The learner's Family name must be returned


To ensure that the Family name field is populated


You must ensure that the Family name field is populated


A family name must be returned, this field cannot contain all whitespaces

Detailed error condition
Detailed description

If all aims are community learning funded ( LearningDelivery.FundModel = 99 and ( LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMType = SOF and LearningDelivery.LearnDelFAMCode = 108)) OR ( LearningDelivery.FundModel = 10), and the Planned learning hours are 10 or less ( Learner.PlanLearnHours <= 10), and the Unique learner number has been returned ( Learner.ULN <> 9999999999), the Family name must be returned

(error where Learner.FamilyName is unknown or contains all whitespace)

Flow chart FamilyName_04 Flowchart

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Flow chart details

Flowchart for 'FamilyName_04' rule

1. Is the aim record FM = 99 and SoF = 108 or FM = 10 and less than 10 Planned hours?

  • If 'No' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'Yes' then:

2. Is the ULN returned?

  • If 'No' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'Yes' then:

2. Is the ULN equal to 9999999999?

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'No' then:

2. Is the Family name field blank?

  • If 'No' then the rule is not triggered

  • If 'Yes' then the rule is triggered

Change summary

Version 1

The Rule has been rolled over from the Previous year

Status summary

Current SLD severity


Current FIS severity


Is this rule in FIS?


Field values







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