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Validation rules for All Provision

28 October 2024

Rule name Version Status Error message
Entity_1 1 Changed

There are no valid learners in the the Learner record

Filename_1 1 Active

The filename is not in the correct format

Filename_2 1 Active

A file with the same UKPRN, collection year and date/time combination has been received before

Filename_3 1 Active

The UKPRN is not valid

Filename_4 1 Active

The year of collection is not the current year

Filename_5 1 Active

The serial number is not a 2 digit number

Filename_6 1 Active

The serial number must not be 00

Filename_7 1 Active

The file date/time is after today's date/time

Filename_8 1 Active

The date/time of the file is earlier than a previous transmission for this collection

Header_2 1 Active

The file preparation date is after today's date

Header_3 1 Active

The UKPRN in the filename does not match the UKPRN in the Header

Inconsistent UKPRN 1 Active

The UKPRN in the file name does not match the provider's UKPRN in the Submit Learner Data service

Namespace Mismatch 1 Active

ILR submissions must use the correct namespace

Protected ZIP file 1 Active

ZIP file is password protected and cannot be processed


Zip folder is corrupt or invalid

ZIP_EMPTY 1 Active

Zip folder must contain only one XML file