Summary of changes
Version 1 changes
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
References to Higher Education in Further Education: Students survey (HEIFES) have been changed.
- Field:
- Sex
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
Update to the Notes section of this field
- Field:
- LLDD and health problem category
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
Text change to attribute code 4: Visual impairment
- Field:
- Learner funding and monitoring type, Learner funding and monitoring code
- Type of change:
- Removal of codes
- Details of change:
Learner support reason - LSR
LSR 61: ESF funded learner receiving childcare support
Free Meals Eligibility - FME
FME 1: 14-15 year old learner is eligible for free meals
All Pupil Premium Funding Eligibility - PPE
Detail as follows:PPE 1: Learner is eligible for Service Child premium
PPE 2: Learner is eligible for Adopted from Care premium
PPE 3-5: Unassigned
The following attribute codes have been removed:
- Entity:
- Learner Employment Status
- Type of change:
- Removal of field
- Details of change:
The Agreement Identifier field: AgreeId has been removed
- Field:
- Employment Status Monitoring Type, Employment status monitoring code
- Type of change:
- New code
- Details of change:
A Benefit Status Indicator has been added:
BSI 5: Learner is in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance (all categories)
The following attribute codes now have a Valid To date of 31/07/2020
BSI 2: Learner is in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance - Work Related Activity Group (ESA WRAG)
BSI 3: Learner is in receipt of another state benefit other than JSA, Universal Credit or ESA (WRAG)
Revision to the Notes section: For learners starting on or after 1 August 2020 use code BSI 5 for learners in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance (all categories).
- Field:
- Planned hours
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
Definition changed from:
For apprenticeships this field collects the Planned off-the-job training hours (as defined in the funding rules) by the training provider, sub-contracted training providers and the employer.
- Field:
- Planned hours
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
Change of Reason required from:
To provide information about the quantum of off-the-job training delivered. To help demonstrate compliance with the funding rules.
- Entity:
- Learning Delivery
- Field:
- Planned hours
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
- T-level programme (FundModel 25, ProgType 31)
- T-level transition programme (FundModel 25, ProgType 30)
The Notes section for Planned Hours have been updated to include T-levels.
The Collection requirements have been updated to include T-levels:
- Field:
- Actual Hours for Off the Job Training
- Type of change:
- New Field
- Details of change:
This field collects the total Actual off-the-job training hours (as defined in the funding rules) that is delivered to the individual apprentice over the practical period of the apprenticeship (before gateway). This should be entered at the end of the apprenticeship programme.
- Field:
- Programme type
- Type of change:
- New codes
- Details of change:
- Programme type 30: T-level transition programme
- Programme type 31: T-level programme
Two new programme types have been added to include T-level programmes:
- Field:
- Learning Start Date Postcode
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
The Learning Start Date Postcode field collection requirements have been amended to include Aim Type 4.
- Field:
- Withdrawal Reason
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
Withdrawal reason attribute code 48: Definition changed to Industry placement. This has been changed from Industrial placement.
- Field:
- Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring Type, Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring Code
- Type of change:
- Removal of codes
- Details of change:
All National Skills Academy Indicator - NSA
Detail as follows:
NSA 1-20: National skills academy indicator. Valid to date 31/07/2016
All Work Programme Participation - WPP
Detail as follows:
WPP1: Work programme participation
All Percentage of Online Delivery - POD
Detail as follows:
POD 1-7: Percentage of online delivery
All HE Monitoring - HEM
Detail as follows:
HEM 1,3 and 5 - HE monitoring
The following attribute codes have been removed:
- Field:
- Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring Type, Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring Code
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
The devolved area monitoring (DAM) code occurrences have been increased from 4 to 6.
- Entity:
- Learning Delivery HE
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
Aim Type 1 is no longer a collection requirement for the following Learning Delivery HE fields:
- Field:
- Type of Instance Year, Mode of Study, Level Applicable to Funding Council HESES, Completion of Year of Instance, Student Instance FTE, Equivalent or Lower Qualification
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
Aim Type 1 is no longer a collection requirement for these Learning Delivery HE fields.
- Field:
- Type of Instance Year
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
Type of Instance Year Attribute Codes 3,4 and 5 have been removed.
Notes section updated to include:
Learners who were previously coded as codes 3,4 or 5 should be recoded as 2 for 2020 to 2021.
- Field:
- Student Instance FTE
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
Field length has been changed from 4 characters to 5 characters to ensure the field length and notes are consistent and ensures the accurate value can be returned.
- Field:
- Percentage Taught in First LDCS Subject, Percentage Taught in Second LDCS Subject, Percentage Taught in Third LDCS Subject
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
For the percentage taught in the first, second and third LDCS subjects, the field definition has been changed from:
The proportion of Learning Directory Classification System (LDCS) fields indicate the relative percentage of the current year of programme of study that the LDCS subject area(s) make up. This field, PCSLDCS and PCTLDCS should be considered as a block of related data.
- Type of change:
- Revision
- Details of change:
In the 'Coverage of the ILR', the following has been changed from:
A single learner record should be returned for this learner detailing all of the learning aims that they are undertaking.
- Field:
- Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring Type
- Type of change:
- Definition change
- Details of change:
The following references have been changed
ACT 1: Levy paying Providers
ACT 2: Non-levy paying Providers